Happy Sunday

happy sunday

It’s a lazy spring Sunday day over here in the ‘burbs. I’m still trying to get used to the idea that I’m so ‘burby now. I haven’t lived in a true suburban community since my childhood and while the pros outweigh the cons for us, I do sometimes feel like a fish out of water. I’ve met some fabulous people on my block alone, but of course most of my friends live in DC or Alexandria proper, so I’m feeling the need to start throwing some massive dinner parties just so that I can get my peeps out here for some good old fashioned quality time. A good excuse to do one of the most fun things on the planet anyway right? Who doesn’t love a good dinner party?

In the meantime, I’m lappin’ up the rays on my newly painted deck. When we moved in, it was a dingy burnt orange-y color, something that I’m sure looked smokin’ in 1979, but a fresh coat of BM’s Deck Gray has zhooshed her up real good. My brother Matt and my sis-in-law Wendy came over to plant some flowers and plants from their garden into ours- how cool is that- and I’m now the proud caretaker of a real honest-to-God herb garden (see photo above). I’m pinching myself about the glories of a backyard.

That’s about it for me this weekend. We start a massive landscape project tomorrow. I’ll post some before and afters but we’re basically getting rid of all of the pretty but dangerous (for toddlers) ivy on a steep slope in the backyard, planting a Japanese maple tree to provide a little privacy from our neighbors and ripping out all the Chinese holly bushes in our front yard which seriously look like prickly torture devices- not the most welcoming thing to see at first glance of a house.

What are you all up to this weekend? My Texas family is currently grillin’ it up at the Austin Food and Wine Fest (yes, I’m completely jealous), their arms above freshly inked by rock star chef Tim Love. I’m loving this flowering plant in these tear drop vases. I never know what to put in mine, I lugged one home from a Provence flea market a few years ago and it usually just sits alone and empty on our countertop. These fritillaria are so graceful and architectural. (Can you tell I’m loving learning about plants- so much to learn). And I’m thinking about this wallpaper for my girl’s room. I’m on a wallpaper tear- cannot get enough. And this one’s on sale. Sweet and pretty, right?

What I’m Drinking

The Chateau Coupe Roses that I posted about on Friday- can. not. get. enough. Marshy, lavender deliciousness from Southern France. Yum. And some Bandol rosé thrown in for good measure, of course.

A Few Things: 

Explaining the joke is the joke. Sort of like Penn & Teller’s approach to magic. I dig it.

35 Restaurants with a View. Because who doesn’t want some good eats and something pretty to look at (besides your date of course).

I love this etsy shop by the Meg A. Myers. Great up-cycled geometric planters.

Fresh and springtime-happy cocktails via Camille Styles.

How are annoying are you on Instagram? This quiz made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Most of the stuff on this quiz never occurred to me- maybe it’s because I’m 5 years away from Millenial thinking or maybe I’m just too old for this shit. Is this really what’s happening? I know we all have egos- duh, I have a blog- but this whole self(ie) obsession is getting a little out of control.

P.S.: A random side note about the Disney Princess craze. If you don’t have kids, you’ll probably want to skip this next bit.

To all you moms of former, current or soon-to-be toddler girls, I have a theory on the whole Disney Princess craze. Indulge me here. I think it actually could be a little more about our (the moms’) fascination with said Disney heroines than it is our kids’. At least I think that’s where it may start. This is just a theory but it I witnessed this case in point this past week as after watching scenes of “Frozen” over and over again with my little ones (at their request, but honestly, mostly because I really dig it- it is a seriously well-crafted and thoughtful tale with some catchy-ass tunes, after all).

My little miss will not stop belting out “Let It Go”. And this from a 22 month old who doesn’t fully talk yet. She sings out Louise accapella at all hours of the day- in her crib hours after I think she’s gone to bed, at mealtimes, in the car,  and when I try to sing something else, she quickly starts in to the power ballad chorus. “Let It Go” is Celine goes to Vegas after all isn’t it.

My girl is into it and in turn asks to watch Anna and Elsa all day long. Now I have to be honest with myself. She didn’t create this passion from out of the blue. I introduced it to her and I myself am overly enthusiastic about the Frozen girls and cannot resist my full-out musical theater belt every time we get to the “Let It Go” scene. So whose fascination is this anyway? It’s definitely hers, but it’s definitely mine too. Have I created a musical theater Disney-loving monster? If I have it’s too late nate. I’m sure I’ll rue the day when in a few years, she’ll wear nothing but a cheap pink princess-ish gown to school, the park and to bed as many of my friends now contend with. Or maybe she won’t, or maybe I’ll love it that she refused to wear anything but her princess gown. Who knows? But honestly, as a generation that grew up with The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast (ok maybe we tail-end Gen-X’ers were a little old for the Princess schtick when these movies came out), but it kind of makes sense that our kiddos would be so into these Disney ladies. Because we are too, like it or not. Feminist debate to be had at another date. What say you?

Austin Food & Wine Fest photo: Toni Terzian Wellhausen

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4 Responses

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    love the wallpaper and LOVE the piece about Disney princesses.

    guess I’m an ‘instagood’ – thank God.

  2. Toni says:

    Can’t wait to see your house! We had so much fun at the Festival!!!

  3. Rashmi says:

    Yes to that wallpaper. Obsessed. Love.
    Hari Kondabolu is brilliant. Also his parents are from my home state of Andhra Pradesh in India, which makes me adore him more.
    That buzzfeed quiz made me feel old and out of touch… and happy to be old and out of touch.

  4. Rashmi says:

    Re : Princesses. Hmm.. i don’t know. I didn’t grow up knowing them or watching Disney or knowing what disney was.. but through osmosis (or preschool?) my younger daughter loved them when she turned 2. She wore the princess dresses and pranced around. It was very sweet. And then she turned 6 and refused to have anything to do with pink or princesses and we gave everything princess related away. Odd chaps these kids.. never know what they will like and when..

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