Happy Weekend!

beachy dreaminess

Happy Weekend dear readers. How much do you love this beachy photo? Taken by my dear friend, Amy Dickerson, I need this in my house- will have to talk to her about that. Follow her here for loads of dreamy inspiration.

To what great adventures are you off to this fine spring weekend? I am traveling home from that great big apple at the moment. I ran there and back in a day for some work and squeezed in a slice (or two), enjoyed a cold beer in Penn Station (what? how have I never done that before) and smelled a bunch of armpits as I did my best sardine imitation amidst the hubbub of the rush hour 1 train. Ah New York, I love ya so. This weekend- I am off to Lucketts. Only one of my most favorite days of the year- the annual Old Lucketts Store Spring Fair. Vintage Virginia nirvana- a little bit of Brimfield in our neck of the woods. I posted about it last year and I’m looking forward to discovering from some new/old treasures this time around.

What I’m Drinking:

This one’s a heartbreaker, a beautifully crafted lean Loire wine with killer acidity and lots of earth, herbaceousness, fruit, and a little spice- it’s damn near perfect- a chompy food-friendly Cab Franc from Chinon. A bottle with the classic goods, its got everything you want in your lean mean Loire red. Imported by Jon David Headrick who cut his teeth working for Eric Solomon, Headrick knows how to spot the real deal winemakers, the poets, the dreamers, if you will. This stuff is bottled dreaminess.

Here’s What I Get:

tasting note chiens chiens chinon

And you guessed it, it is on the list at Waterfront. On our market list that is, pick this baby up from our shelves and enjoy, or get it here. A beautiful food friendly wine, this will pair perfectly with your takeout Vietnamese.

A Few Things:

Creativity: The Perfect Crime? I hope so. I can never get enough of this guy.

My State’s prettier than yours. What’s in a name, or tourism slogan? Thanks for posting, Rashmi.

Dancers vie for coveted spots at SAB. I went there, I couldn’t wait to get out. It’s great and all and I’m beyond grateful for the experience, but I was much more comfortable in my hot pink character skirt and heels- a Broadway baby even as a wee lad.

Speaking of dancers, this Free People ad had what seemed to be the entire dance community in an uproar, the FB noise on this was unbelievable. If you’re friends with one of us (dancers, I mean) you undoubtedly saw it along with the scores of snarky comments. I feel sorry for the model but honestly, it is a pretty offensive and ridiculous ad. Just a word to the wise, corporate America please don’t mess with dancers because this is what you’ll get- a pretty hilarious parody by crazy talented dancer, J. Elaine Marcos. And… scene.

I just love these pretty floral and foliage faces from Justina Blakeney.

Clever and inspired pancake creations from a stay-at-home dad. Where does he find the time?

I can’t help it. I had to laugh.

These before and afters of organized closets and shelves give me agita. I know I will never be this organized but I like to look at it.

More importantly, India’s stunning election results.

Also important, how to throw a fabulous stress-free brunch.

Cin Cin all and Enjoy the Weekend!

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