Happy Weekend!

beachy dreaminess

Happy Weekend dear readers. How much do you love this beachy photo? Taken by my dear friend, Amy Dickerson, I need this in my house- will have to talk to her about that. Follow her here for loads of dreamy inspiration.

To what great adventures are you off to this fine spring weekend? I am traveling home from that great big apple at the moment. I ran there and back in a day for some work and squeezed in a slice (or two), enjoyed a cold beer in Penn Station (what? how have I never done that before) and smelled a bunch of armpits as I did my best sardine imitation amidst the hubbub of the rush hour 1 train. Ah New York, I love ya so. This weekend- I am off to Lucketts. Only one of my most favorite days of the year- the annual Old Lucketts Store Spring Fair. Vintage Virginia nirvana- a little bit of Brimfield in our neck of the woods. I posted about it last year and I’m looking forward to discovering from some new/old treasures this time around.

What I’m Drinking:

This one’s a heartbreaker, a beautifully crafted lean Loire wine with killer acidity and lots of earth, herbaceousness, fruit, and a little spice- it’s damn near perfect- a chompy food-friendly Cab Franc from Chinon. A bottle with the classic goods, its got everything you want in your lean mean Loire red. Imported by Jon David Headrick who cut his teeth working for Eric Solomon, Headrick knows how to spot the real deal winemakers, the poets, the dreamers, if you will. This stuff is bottled dreaminess.

Here’s What I Get:

tasting note chiens chiens chinon

And you guessed it, it is on the list at Waterfront. On our market list that is, pick this baby up from our shelves and enjoy, or get it here. A beautiful food friendly wine, this will pair perfectly with your takeout Vietnamese.

A Few Things:

Creativity: The Perfect Crime? I hope so. I can never get enough of this guy.

My State’s prettier than yours. What’s in a name, or tourism slogan? Thanks for posting, Rashmi.

Dancers vie for coveted spots at SAB. I went there, I couldn’t wait to get out. It’s great and all and I’m beyond grateful for the experience, but I was much more comfortable in my hot pink character skirt and heels- a Broadway baby even as a wee lad.

Speaking of dancers, this Free People ad had what seemed to be the entire dance community in an uproar, the FB noise on this was unbelievable. If you’re friends with one of us (dancers, I mean) you undoubtedly saw it along with the scores of snarky comments. I feel sorry for the model but honestly, it is a pretty offensive and ridiculous ad. Just a word to the wise, corporate America please don’t mess with dancers because this is what you’ll get- a pretty hilarious parody by crazy talented dancer, J. Elaine Marcos. And… scene.

I just love these pretty floral and foliage faces from Justina Blakeney.

Clever and inspired pancake creations from a stay-at-home dad. Where does he find the time?

I can’t help it. I had to laugh.

These before and afters of organized closets and shelves give me agita. I know I will never be this organized but I like to look at it.

More importantly, India’s stunning election results.

Also important, how to throw a fabulous stress-free brunch.

Cin Cin all and Enjoy the Weekend!

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Happy Weekend!

Moving Day!

So long Old Town! One last photo op on our way out the door. Old Town Alexandria was so good to us and we had a blast living there. We brought our babies home to that tiny and loved apartment and I loved all of our long stroller walks through the Colonial streets of that charming town. Our move to the ‘burbs was a bittersweet one. We were so sad to say goodbye to Old Town but happy to have some real space and a small patch of green to call our own. More Progress Reports on our ongoing reno to come- now I know why people say that home improvement is ongoing, there is an absolute endless lists of things to tackle, but that’s what makes it fun right? We’ll be making various trips to Lowe’s and the hardware store this weekend amidst attempting to unpack boatloads of boxes- what is even in these things is beyond me. How in the world is it possible to accumulate so much when you live in 700 square feet? First world problems to be sure. I don’t mean to complain about “stuff” but it does get to be a bit much. I mean really, how much do we really need in our lives? I’d like to just give everything away but I know I would just end up buying most of it all over again. Here’s to a life more simplified, that’s always a good goal.

What I’m Drinking: 

Our refrigerator isn’t working yet (long reno sob story), so it’ll be a warm Blue Moon with a slice of orange for me on a plastic cup (until we can find that elusive box of glassware). I’ll put a 6-pack outside to cool overnight- cool weather can be a blessing. Ha.

A Few Things:

“What Facebook is doing to your brain is kind of shocking.”

What a cute ad campaign.  I love those black doors.

You may have heard, but there’s been a big breakthrough in the Big Bang Theory- I can’t even fathom figuring this out. Fascinating.

Hip Hip Hooray- my friend Anna Watson Carl has finished her “Cookbook Diaries” and will be self-publishing her Yellow Table cookbook this year! Three Cheers for realizing a dream!

L’Wren Scott’s passing this week was so sad. She was such a gifted artist and designer. I remember L’Wren Scott as she was the costume designer for the 2000 Academy Awards that I was lucky enough to perform in. I’ll never forget my fitting with her, she had yet to propel to the fast track in the fashion world and was in the beginning stages of her work as a rock star designer but it was clear that she had the goods. I’ve never felt better, she knew how to make a gal look and feel great.  I posted a small photo of our Blame Canada kickline in our Royal Mountie garb here on the blog.

For all you DIY’ers out there, a super cute pennant pillow. I can’t sew to save my life but for those that possess that seamstress-y thing, I think this would be so great in a little one’s room.

Happy Weekend Dear Readers! Cin Cin all and Enjoy the first weekend of Spring!

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Happy Weekend!


Happy Weekend dear readers. It has been such a tumultuous, sad and mysterious week in the world with so many tragedies and the Malaysian Air mystery. My heart and prayers go out to the families. I hope we can find some answers soon. Prayers to the victims of the Austin and East Harlem accidents as well.

This weekend we’ll be bidding adieu to our beloved Old Town as we prepare for the big move out to Fairfax County. In reality, we’re only moving 15 minutes away, but in spirit it is another world entirely and the beginning of a new and ‘burby life. Bring on the adventure.

What I’m Drinking:

It’s still cold around here so I’m still craving an earthy, chewy red. This is one of my go-to’s for under $15. I just picked up a case at my local Whole Foods. Great with pizza and burgers. A casual and rustic, while still complex, expression of the Tuscan Sangiovese grape from the Maremma region near the sea. A solid and yummy budget red.

tasting note- morellino

’11 Ghiaccio Forte Vigne de Passegno Morellino di Scansano (what a mouthful!) , $15

A Few Things:

An awesome DIY Sculptural Hand Dish a la the highly coveted Kelly Wearstler design- this one comes at a much cheaper price tag (and isn’t sold out). I’d like to find time to make this, mostly because I just love the way a fresh block of clay feels.

How to style your space like a Wes Anderson movie. I will find a place for that fabulous Scalamandre Zebra wallpaper one day.

Roahhhhr! Carly- what a tigress. I’m always inspired by the divine Ms. Simon, her style and her timeless sound.

Picasso as your pen pal. This is so cool.

A super quick tour through SJP’s NYC Brownstone as she answers 73 quick questions (and very well). Her brownstone is fabulous. I love all the books, there is a real live dictionary and those globes!!!

I can’t wait to read this. Walter Kirn, author of Thumbsucker and Up in the Air, shares the details of his friendship with the killer and con man, Clark Rockefeller and how it felt to be duped.

Bringing Down Bebé- a year in Paris brings this mother and her kids to their knees. This is a great read for any parent who has wondered why their kids can’t patiently play and self-amuse like those well-behaved Frenchies.

Teach your kids how to hustle. Frank Deford is my new favorite- how have I never heard this guy before!

Oh Shirley, how I love ya. This is great.

Gettin’ Freekah with Chicken and Kale in salad form. Thank you Bon Appetit- this one looks delish.

And A Few More Things:

My new favorite show. Talk about mind blowing. This guy is my 2nd favorite new favorite.

You’ve probably seen this video of parents lip-synching to Frozen’s “Love Is An Open Door” while their daughter yawns in the backseat. Last night, C and I performed an entire rendition of Sesame Street’s “La-Di-Da-Di-Dum What’s The Name of That Song” (quite possibly one of the catchiest tunes ever and the reason for my recent insomnia- I CAN-NOT stop singing it- all. night. long.) for our kids, and while our daughter bopped right along, our son repeatedly hit himself in the face. We didn’t blame him. We are pretty obnoxious when we get our full-on musical theater game faces on. And he was sort of trapped and forced to listen to us in his car seat. Seriously one of the funniest things ever. T- not a fan of musical theater (or maybe he’s just not the biggest fan of our singing voices).

Cin Cin all and Happy Weekend!

Photo: Hand Dish by Mandi Johnson

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Happy Weekend and Happy Oscars!

Happy Oscars!

Happy Weekend dear readers. Two things: it’s Oscar weekend and February is OUTTA HERE! Hoo-to-the-Ray! Will you all watch the Oscars? I am religious about watching- it’s one of my favorite nights of the year. I used to throw an Oscar party every year, but I could never really hear anything and didn’t ended up really watching, so now we just watch it sans party. I make a little toast to realized dreams each year as I danced on the Oscars in 2000 realizing a dream I’d had since I was a wee lass. Good times. I love these vintage photos of chic ladies and the fabulous Warren Beatty from the 60s. What style. Natalie, Audrey, Grace, Liz… does it get better? Maybe. I can’t wait to see what Lupita wears.

What I’m Drinking: 

Bubbly. Of course. Please, even if I am watching the Oscars in my tiny condo in Virginia, you better believe I’ll be bubbling it up Hollywood style. My wallet can’t handle a bottle of Champers this weekend so it’ll be a Burgundy Cremant Rosé Brut please: Bailly-Lapierre. At $18, how can I go wrong? (Well, I can but I’ll let you know how it all shakes out.) Tasting Note to follow. Good times indeed.

A Few Things: 

If you haven’t already printed this out and made your bets, here’s your Oscar ballot.

The Ice Age Cometh?

This makes me happy. My beat-up old grey Converse are getting a stud-ly makeover just as soon as I have a free hour (which will be never).

A DIY Moroccan Wedding Blanket pendant? So chic.

Oprah auctions off nearly all of her material possessions.

How to get a glimmery smokey eye.

Zagat’s Hottest Coffee Shops in the U.S.

Cin Cin!

Oscar Photos: Alan Grant- Time/Life

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Word of the Week: Twizzle


Twizzle. Twizzle. Twizzle. I can’t stop saying it. Add me to the list of recent Ice Dance-loving converts. Meryl Davis and Charlie White, officially America’s new sweethearts, have shown us the whimsy, fun and unbelievable athleticism that is ice dancing- that wacky sport that is essentially ballroom dancing meets synchronized swimming on ice, with a few Twizzles thrown in for good measure.

The Twizzle itself is a relatively new phenomenon. No doubt, people have been dancing on the ice for decades but the Twizzle was first officially performed by skater David Grant in 1991. The Twizzle seems to be the Triple Sow Cow of the Ice Dancing world. The trick of the Twizzle- maintaining synchronization throughout the multi-turn sequence. As much anxiety as those Twizzles seem to bring those hard-working ice dancers, they sure are fun to watch.

And can we talk about Meryl Davis? She’s like a Disney princess meets Geisha meets Angela Basset from What’s Love Got to Do With It. Those guns, those dated but strangely appealing updos, that face-  can’t get enough. And Charlie White and that mop top- so good. We all know the story, they’ve been ice dancing together since they were just wee skaters, their moms go to each and every competition together but the figure skating topper on the cake… the fact that these two hail from Detroit- brilliant.

They’ve had us all Twizzling like crazy in our living room. Totally inspired.

Image: Koichi Komoshida, Getty Images

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2 comments | Tags: Pop

Happy Weekend!

pink roofs

These pink roofs make me happy. Happy Weekend dear readers! What are you all up to this first weekend of February? Yay- it’s February, let’s hope Punxsutawney Phil is in the clear on Sunday- come on Spring! We’ll be drinking our Caip-beer-inhas and watching the Super Bowl, maybe take in a Frozen Sing-A-Long matinee with the bebes (their first official movie outing- we’ll see how that goes), make an IKEA run (AHHHHH! Am I crazy to attempt a weekend run?- Yes.), and continue our reno/home improvements. Our furnace conked out on us less than 2 weeks after owning our home. Ha. Homeownership- woohoo.

What I’m Drinking:

If you read yesterday’s post, you know it’s the Perfect Super Bowl Beer Cocktail. Yum.

A Few Things:

An old shipping container turned guest house. I. Love. This. If I only had the big backyard for it- so cool!

Tina Fey grabs coffee and a cronut with Jerry Seinfeld. I can never get enough Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Does Jerry Seinfeld have the life or what? Just driving around in cool cars grabbing coffee and pastries with the quirkiest and coolest cats- come on!

This is pretty darn funny. Alan, Alan, Alan!

A drone beer delivery? Say it ain’t so, says the FAA. No drone delivery for beer drinkers. The skies are not for sale so to speak.

What it’s really like to play in the Super Bowl. From the mouth of “Jaws” Jaworski- what a great name!

Beware playas- a bra that can only be opened with “true love”- ha.

A DIY ginormous pearl choker a la Lagerfeld. Love. Thanks for sending this one mom.

Another DIY- this time a necklace hanger. Love this. Maybe I’ll actually be able to see my jewelry if I ever get around to making this.

I’ll be serving up this healthy take on the loaded baked potato at our Super Bowl fiesta. Mini Loaded Sweet Potatoes- yum.

Cin Cin and Happy Weekend!

Image: Mark Merton

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The Perfect Super Bowl Beer Cocktail


It’s that time of year again kids. Football fan or not, it’s fun to plan a little party around the annual helmet mash. What to drink? I like to mix up a signature drink of some sort and personally think it’s a bit blasphemous to not include beer in that mix. So… a beer cocktail is the way to go.

I’m going with the Caip-beer-inha- that’s a mouthful isn’t it- maybe not the best name for this twist on the classic cocktail, as Caipirinha is hard enough to spell as it is, but it sure is tasty.

Created by mixologist extraordinaire, Jacob Grier at Portland’s Metrovino, the Caip-beer-inha is a sure-fire hit with your Super Bowl eats. Citrusy and minty by nature, this cocktail turns hoppy and floral with a tasty bitter note, when you add your IPA. The trick is not to use a drop more than an ounce of beer or your beer-inha will become a bitter-inha.

A great match to your Super Bowl spread, this little baby will match up fantastically with wings, dips, chili, nachos- you name it and is a real crowd pleaser. It drinks like a holiday which is sort of what Super Bowl Sunday’s all about.

CAIP-BEER-INHA (makes 1)

What You Need:
2oz cachaça
2 wedges lime
2 wedges lemon
6 mint leaves
0.5 oz agave nectar
1oz of IPA beer

What You Do:
1. Muddle citrus and agave nectar with a non-laquered cocktail muddler in a cocktail shaker
Record Scratch: Ok, if you haven’t muddled before, you don’t know what you’re missing.
Two things about muddling:
-If you don’t know how to muddle- watch this goateed-guy show you how to do it, he means business.
-If you don’t have a muddler, here are 6 great ones.
2. Add the mint and cachaça to your muddled mix
3. Shake with ice
4. Pour into a serving glass
5. Top with beer
6. Cin Cin and Enjoy!

What are you all drinking this Sunday? Will you watch the Bowl that is Super? I’m rooting for Seattle, I’ve always loved Denver and Peyton Manning but I think Seattle’s defense will clench it. I sound like I know what I’m talking about right? I don’t. Ha. Just thinking Seattle may have this one, plus it’s a pretty town, so go Seahawks. Although, it is now officially the Chinese New Year and the year of the Horse, so… the Broncos have that on their side. May be the best team win. Cin Cin- go Seahawks.

Image: Better Cocktails at Home

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Did You Know…



national squirrel day

…that today is National Squirrel Day? This is a day that I find so random, I kind of had to post about it. I’m not sure what we’re really supposed to do to show our love and appreciation for the squirrels on this, their national day of recognition, but hey- I like a squirrel just as much as the next guy so three cheers for the cuddly rodents.

In other news, if you’re stuck inside today with a little too much time on your hands (like we are) due to another mammoth snowstorm, Madewell is having a 40% off sale (SMILE40) or you can make this squirrel-shaped sandwich for your little ones (or yourself) in honor of those lovable and furry rodents.

Happy Snow Day Eastcoasters!

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A Restful Resolution

relax with a pointed foot

I love this photo. The dancers look so relaxed but as always- with a pointed toe. That’s my resolution. Slow down and move with grace and ease but with a pointed toe, so to speak. In other words, we can’t be totally at rest all the time right? But we can try to infuse our lives with a bit of calm while staying on point(e).

After a much needed break from le blog to enjoy the holiday season with the fam, I am back and ready to start this year up. First up, as always, the New Year’s resolution. I love making resolutions but like most of us, I rarely take them seriously enough to completely follow through. In fact, I can’t remember any year when at the end of it I said to myself, “Awesome, I totally nailed that resolution.” So instead of staying on that train- which we all know is the definition of insanity and I can’t much afford to go insane at this point in my life- I think I’ll hop another express- the Slow Train to sanity.

I’m not going to stress about the usual resolutions- diets, trying to be more productive, vowing to finally get organized, learning another language, traveling- all things that I would love to do more of (except diet of course), but let’s get real- I’ve got 19 month-old toddlers, a slew of jobs and gigs to tend to and a house to renovate (yay!).

Am I really going to get organized for once and for all? Listen, I don’t want to be negative but I do think it’s probably wise to be realistic and not set unrealistic expectations. I’ll try my hardest to organize my life but most of all, I’m going to try to take things slow and be an active participant in my life, not distracted but all of things on my plate. I recently read a quote on Pinterest that said, “My brain has too many tabs open.” My sentiments exactly.

This year instead of adding to the long list of self-improvements, I’m going to streamline and slow it all down, unplug and exhale (and inhale too hopefully). We’ll see how it goes. If I feel a bit more calm by the end of this year, then it all worked out great. If I don’t, oh well- that’s life right, and it’s all good and as it should be. I’m so grateful for all the blessings in my life. I really want to make a concerted effort to put the kibosh on over-planning every minute of our lives and just enjoy the moments as they happen- with a pointed toe, of course.

Oh yeah, and I might finally buy a juicer and make myself one of these every morning. I might.

What are your resolutions? Or what is your approach to resolutions? I’d love to hear. Happy Happy New Year!

{Image: Alison Jones}

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Present-ing: Last Minute Stocking Stuffers

Present-ing; Last Minute Stocking Stuffers

A few lovely things to stuff in one’s stocking.

1. A return stamp in the shape of the sender’s home state. I absolutely love this. It won’t make it in time to be stuffed in a stocking, but a print out of this stamp will do just fine.
Home State Personalized Return Stamp, $65

2. I don’t know if a Nutcracker is really a necessity these days, but this one’s pretty great looking.
Normann Copenhagen Nutcracker, $56

3. I love a giant initial.
Monogram Sweater, $30 (take 20% off with LASTCHANCE)

4. Because with the advent of the smartphone, everybody’s a photographer- myself included. These little lenses will up their photography game.
iPhone Shutterbug Lenses, $49

5. A giant horseshoe magnet strong enough to hold your dish towel and still look cute on your fridge.
Horseshoe Magnet, $14

6. What lady doesn’t want a great little lucite tray to display her jewelry? The better to see it with, my dear.
Muji Lucite Tray, $28

7. Metallic loafers? Yes please. To be worn with everything all season long.
Gold Metallic Loafers, $45 (take 40% off with GAPXMAS)

8. Provisions 52, the market brainchild of Food 52, has loads of great gifts for the cook in your life. I am partial to these little beauties: $260
Pistachio French Steak Knives, $160

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