Thursday Thrift: the Frenchie Boatneck


A Frenchie striped boatneck for 20 clams? Done and done.



Uniqlo Stiped Boatneck, $19.90

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Monday is for Matine

matine laird

Get thee over to the Matine shop this Monday morning if you are in the market for beautifully constructed, clean and classic leather goods. DC designer, Carolyn Misterek is cleaning out her shop to make way for her spring line, even if it is 6 more weeks away according to this morning’s shadow sighting by one Punxsutawney Phil. But back to this chic shop, I’m a fan of pretty much everything she does- she is a little bit of magic with an MFA in Art History to boot.
*sadly, not everything is on sale

A few of my favorites:

matine oversized clutch

I imagine one would just feel cool carrying this little beauty around town.

passport holder

The better to stylishly get your stamps on- this one makes for a great gift.

date night

Date night.
I’ve had my eye on this little Clare Vivier number for quite a while now, but Matine’s wildcat clutch is equally chic and a steal.


A pretty and structured crossbody.

matine black

Perfect for hopping the Amtrak to the Big Apple with your laptop in tow.
(Or just scooting it over to your favorite local coffee spot to- you know, get some work done.)

girls night

Girls night.

Matine brown leather


Her stuff is so great right? And if you’re into letters, you can monogram your bag as well.

Cin Cin!

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8 Groovy Things

8 Groovy Things

Just a few things that are floatin’ my boat these days:

1. An outdoor canvas painting free for all. Maybe the cold weather is making me love this but it does looks so fun, doesn’t it?

2. Julia’s always on my groovy list, her preserved Cambridge kitchen at the Smithsonian’s American History Museum is one of my official Happy Places. This article from The New Yorker archives, passed along by my friend Rashmi (follow her Insta- so fun and inspiring), made me smile. Have you read “My Life in France“? -one of my favorites.  I vow to get to Le Pitchoune one of these days for cooking classes in Julia’s Provencal home.

3. My new favorite bauble. I can’t justify the splurge but I’d like to. The designer, Moorea Seal, designed ye olde blog as well, with yours truly. I’m a fan.

4. A Loch Ness Ladle. Just because. (not available until Feb. but you bet I’ll have that little Nessie swimming in my soup pot)

5. A Cheese shirt. Because it’s awesome.

6. An oversized wool blend stripey car coat. Just like a Pendleton only minus the primary colors and pricey price tag.

7. Ahh yes, the Nike Pre Montreal. Why are you not in my closet?

8. Stowe, Vt.  Maybe because the VonTrapp Family has their own lodge there or White Christmas was inspired by the pretty Vermont town and I’m always a sucker for Rosemary Clooney and that silly ass song, “Snow”- I don’t know, I just want to go.

What’s on your groovy list?

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Fab, Fuzzy, & Under Fifty

Fuzzy and Fun Under Fifty

The title of this post could be a bit misleading- it reads like a questionable profile, but if that’s your thing…  No, what I’m talking about is a fabulous fuzzy leopard coat for under 50 bucks. ‘Tis the season for penny pinching- at least for me. What with the holiday expenses to pay off and the summer vacation planning commencing, these purse strings have officially been tightened if not completely cinched. I still like to pony up for something fun now and again, but it has to be a real steal.

Enter the current Zara sale and this find:


Who doesn’t love a little (or a lot of) leopard- the ultimate neutral- with an exposed zipper thrown in for good measure? This coat is warm, snazzy, and looks like you picked it up at your favorite vintage store.  I’ll be throwing this on over my yoga leggings for the rest of the winter, thank you very much. I’m ditching my marshmallow coat- winter be damned, if you’re so determined to be cold, well then I’ll raise you your chill and ante up with some cute. Bring on the fifty dolla faux fur.

Zara Leopard Coat, $49.99 (marked down from $169.99)

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3 comments | Tags: style

Happy Weekend!

Henry Miller

Happy Weekend dear readers. I hope you are all of to some fun adventuring. We are playing it low key this weekend. In fact, I cannot even think of what we have planned which is pretty great. The hubs and I are going to get out for a minute to a geeky wine tasting to test our blind tasting skills. A friend in the wine industry is hosting and it will be a $15/$50 party- attempting to guess which wine is worth what. It should prove a challenge because the host himself has some seriously refined tastebuds so the $15 vinos are sure to be tasty. Anyway, should be fun and it’s a good idea for a gathering.

What I’m Drinking:

Lately, in additon to my Orange crush, I’ve been sipping Italian reds. ‘Tis the season for a hearty red and not much floats my boat (or palate) more in the dead of winter than a few sips of some dirt & cherries (aka Tuscan reds). I opt for a Rosso di Montalcino as I’ve written about many a time before on le blog, the baby sister of its older and more refined sibling, Brunello. You can get a lot of bang for your buck here with the Rosso, it still ain’t cheap but it is delicioso.

A Few Stellar Bottles:

Altesino Rosso di Montalcino ’12- a steal for $23 from a wonderful Tuscan house run by a female (gotta love that). Their wines are all stupendo. Dirt and cherries finessed with a bit of wild herb perfume. So good.

Le Chiuse Rosso di Montalcino ’11- killer bottle. $26

Fonterenza Rosso di Montalcino ’11- this one you’ll want to put on your dining table at your next dinner party. The label’s so pretty, you have to show it off and maybe use it as a vase after that. Imported by the legendary Louis/Dressner, it’s simply awesome. Biodynamic, organic, natural and drinking like the land- it’ll put you right under that Tuscan sun and in Jan., that sounds pretty good. $36

Tenuta di Sesta Rosso di Montalcino ’12- not quite as complex as the bottles above but chewy and chock full of dark berries and dirt in the best way, it’s delicious and it’s $16.

A Few Things:

Let’s “cut to the chase”- a look at just what those old expressions really mean.

Need a breath of fresh air, pop over to Anna Watson Carl’s Instagram. She’s been in Sicily for 3 weeks, talk about swoonful.

7 things that will help you stop worrying, says Fast Company. Well, I’ve got #4 down pat. I don’t think I’ll be adopting #7 anytime soon. Tried it, hated it, but the others sound pretty good.

To fall in love with anyone- do this.

A hotel inspired by an amethyst. Interesting and pretty.

I made these Buttery Braised Leeks at the recommendation of my good pal Rashmi and they were a HUGE hit. She made them sans topping and was a fan. I could not resist the crispy, cheesy panko topping and it went over big time. I highly recommend.

Another friend recommends this NY Times Bok Choy recipe. I don’t have enough Bok Choy in my life in general, looking forward to trying this.

Mind your own, err- Make your own beeswax. So easy, even I can do this and makes a great present.

How to make homemade extra flaky crescent rolls.

And while we’re talking homemade, how’s about some homemade Twix? Yes please.

Funny. I love Emily McDowell’s illustrations, just looking at this makes me happy. What do you consider exercise that’s probably not? I’ve personally always done butt crunches while waiting in line. Ha.

I don’t myself used LinkedIn, but for those of you that do, this looks helpful. A little zhush for your LinkedIn profile, why not?

I love these socks and who doesn’t always need a few more pairs of socks especially when they’re comfy, cute, the company gives back and there’s a discount code. Check it.

My pal Rashmi also turned me on to The Points Guy and by the by- you can hook yourself up with a ticket to Milan right about now for $399. Say What!

I will be honest, when noontime hits, I never know what the hell to make. Kitchen scraps for lunch? Ok, I’ll bite.

How to hang your gallery wall like a pro.

We’ve all seen the wood bead chandeliers like this one that might make you feel like you were living in ABC Home (if you had 15 foot ceilings and mammoth Broadway-facing windows) but alas, these babies are pricey. Enter the World Market’s version. It’s not nearly as fancy but for $269, it’s a pretty good compromise.

Speaking of chandeliers, I’ll take one of these please.

I should do this. What a great (and old school) way to keep track of memories together.

What’s IN and OUT this Spring according to Ms. Wintour. I don’t think anyone needs to worry about me sporting a single earring anytime soon, so I guess I’m in the clear.

The top 20 places to buy art online. I have to go with The Tappan Collective, they hail from my alma mater and my best friend Amy and I wish we had thought of this. Well, we sort of did back in the day, but we didn’t do it. Sigh. These ladies did though and I love their style.

Cin Cin ya’ll and Enjoy! Happy Weekending. Stay Warm.

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Happy New Year Good People


Happy New Year1

It’s a brand new year and I’m really a lot less upset about the end of the holiday season than usual. I’m jazzed for a clean, bright and fresh new start. Of course when I’m in the humdrum of my daily routine I don’t feel so fresh and so clean but still- it’s a new year and with a new year brings new ideas, new opportunities, new friends, new bites, new sips and new experiences. Bring it. I’m pretty much psyched for every moment I can get.

I’m not making a big resolution this year mostly because I never really see it through- lose 5 pounds- whatevs. I’ll do it if I do it. No, mostly I’m all about the fun this year. I just want to be present and have a blast with my kiddos, my family and friends. I’m inviting the fun people, let’s make some memories.

The first day of the year proved to be pretty predictable for me as I set to my calendar to start planning parties, getaways and full blown vacations. Sound trite? Maybe but all this planning business around food, friends and family is my happy maker. My 40th is this year and I’m taking a much awaited trip with my best girls. 7 of us from college, we are all turning forty within the year so we’ll celebrate together though we are geographically far apart. We span the globe living in Hong Kong, San Fran, Vail, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana and DC. We try to get together at least once a year but it’s rare that we can all gather together in the same place, this will be special. We cannot decide on where to go. It will be late July and we all have kids, so we can’t get away for too long (that means staying in country) and we probably don’t want to go anywhere south of the the Mason-Dixon line to avoid the heat factor. We are going back and forth- if you have any big ideas, please post them below. We’re thinking Northern Cali. or Nantucket…

What I’m Drinking:

This is E11even Wine. An awesome Santa Maria Valley Pinot Noir for under $20. My new favorite from badass winemaker Andrew Murray. I had a glass of this last week at the famed Rose’s Luxury here in DC- by the way, we waited a whopping 3 hours for our table and I have to say, it was well worth it. The wine list is so good, I wanted to crumble it up into a ball and eat it. This was a great addition to our meal and a new fave plus it’s named after a line in This is Spinal Tap. My hubs and I modeled our 11 day rule after that very scene (we try not to be away from each other for more than 11 days at a time- we’ve kept to it in our 6 years of marriage). But I digress, this stuff is great.

A Few Fun Things:

These Leopard Flats. I know it’s winter but a girl can dream.

This Coq Au Riesling. I love a good chicken and I love a good Riesling. Win. Win.

This Poutine. French Fries and Gravy with Cheese to boot? Come on now.

This Blood Orange Shrub. I’m making this for my next dinner party- the better to awaken my guests’ palates with, my dear.

This Movie. I’m a big Rob Marshall fan- the guy is masterly in his musical theater ways. I think his Into the Woods is aces, plus I just love listening to those Sondheim lyrics. Talk about masterly. Die hard Sondheim fans have their panties in a twist about the changes made, but guys- it’s the film adaptation not another stage production. I think he done good. I laughed, I cried- it’s good stuff.

This Food Passport. I’m stealing this idea pronto. I love lists. The only thing I like more than a list is a Passport- so this is a duh.

This Wine Gifting Idea. Who doesn’t want a cute tea towel with their bottle of vino? Not just for any old host, this one’s for the one with the most.

This City. Because it’s always a good idea. My good pal Alana Stone just put out her Analogue Guide to the great city and she knows the deal. You bet I’ll be looking for some last minute deals to the City of Lights- winter is a good and cheap(er) time to visit.
Cin Cin and a very good start of the year to you!

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10 Groovy Gifts Under $55

Spoiler Alert: If you belong in my family, read no further as one or two of your gifts will undoubtedly be revealed. Scroll at your own risk- that means you, mom!

Nothing like waiting until the last minute to post this last minute gift guide, but that’s the way I roll, and I have a feeling some of you may roll that procrastinating way too. Well, this is it folks, we’ve got a few days left to finish off our lists. Here are a few of my favorite little things for under $55 (I know, $55 is weird but for some reason, retailers like that extra $5 bucks- go figure). I picked out a few fun things for Red Barn Mercantile’s Gift Guide this season which was a huge thrill as it is one of my favorite favorite little shops in all the land. Here are my picks, a few of which I have included below as well. All of these goodies hail from small, local retailers- both brick and mortar and online.  I finally got out and about again this year to do my Christmas shopping in the flesh and so loved getting back to the local shopping experience. I say “getting back” because for the past two years with my little ones, I guiltily admit that I pretty much used my laptop to shop and wasn’t patronizing local business as much as I’d have liked. Now that the kiddos are in preschool (albeit 2 days a week for a few hours), I ventured out into the world of small business shopping again and found some super fun things.

Here goes:

10 Groovy Gifts for Under $55

Linen Apron: for the stylish cook who’s more French country chic than Betty Crocker ruffled. Can’t lose with a linen apron.  $41

Fleur de Lis Tea Towels by Pehr: Pick up a couple of these for someone’s stocking and punch up their kitchen lickety split. Tea towels are such a great gift because they’re something I don’t think to buy myself but love having a stylish one in my home. I love everything these guys do. Pick up Pehr goods at Boston’s Hudson or Alexandria’s Red Barn Merc. I’m a big fan of their placemats, napkins, cotton bins- all of it- just good. $15

Groceries & Shit Tote: My favorite gift this year, I picked up at least 5 of these totes from Red Barn. They are currently sold out but get them here from designer Emily McDowell’s Etsy shop. $20

Driftwood Bracelet: a fringey tassle and some driftwood. Done and done. $14

Navajo Woven Textile: because who doesn’t one of these lying around. Use it as a throw, a picnic blanket or a tablecloth- I love this thing. $55

Circle Horn Servers: because they’re awesome. $55

Produce Candles: I’m partial to both the Kale and Rosemary scents and before you even think it- yeah yeah I know, we’ve all gone Kale crazy and enough is enough already, but the fresh, clean aroma from this clean burning Kale candle will rock your world, or your kitchen, or both. $28

I’m a Grown Ass Lady Print: because it’s true. $28

Dope Lucite Box: it’s dope and it’s lucite- how can you go wrong? Your bestie can stash her best baubles and feel cool all at once. Win. Win. $30

The Yellow Table Cookbook: I saved the best for last- my pal Anna Watson Carl’s self-published cookbook. We’ve been cooking from this book since we received it about a month ago and its recipes are both insanely good and delightfully foolproof. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- Anna is our next Ina- she rocks ya’ll. I love everything about her Yellow Table story- the food, the gatherings, it’s all so so good. Get it for the person in your life that loves to sit around the table, eat good fresh-cooked food and have a blast and honestly, who do you know that doesn’t like to do that? $30

Happy Shopping!

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Happy Halloween

There's a Mermaid in my Kitchen

There’s a mermaid in my kitchen. I love this wacky holiday. Happy Halloween all. What are you all up to this fall weekend? We’re hightailing it out of dodge, straight to a cabin in the woods with some pals. Should be fun and maybe a bit spooky too.

Lots of fun things swirling in the air. My favorite shop in town is hosting their annual Holiday unveiling next week and I am one of their Gift Guiders, picking out a few choice things for the Host in your life. If you live in the DMV, pop by Red Barn Mercantile on November 6th from 6-9pm for the party and get a load of Amy Rutherford’s beautiful shop- one of the best edited little shops around, I always want everything in there.

And lastly, we are slowly but surely making our way through Ken Burns’ The Roosevelts. Are you all watching this? It is endlessly fascinating, particularly the FDR chapters. And looking forward to HBO’s Olive Kitteridge this weekend starring the one and only Ms. McDormand. Loved the book, curious to see how it translates to a miniseries.

A Few Things:

This just makes me feel old. Trying to play that down and be #casual about it, but truthfully it’s not really Normcore. What the what? And “Quiche”?, I’m not really buying that one, reminds me of “Fetch” from Mean Girls.

Make candles out of your mini pumpkins and get some delicious seeds for roasting while you’re at it. This one is suitable for the craft-challenged Martha wannabees out there, like me.

Have you seen the Matthew McConaughey car ads? These Jim Carrey parody ads from SNL are pretty hilarious.

Follow my talented friend Rashmi as she documents her family meals and recipes. She’s cataloging to make a recipe book for her girls and I’m loving her beautiful and stark photos. Find her recipe photos at #rashmicooks. All this AND she makes a mean Lionel Richie Jack-o-lantern. My kind of girl.

An entire ghost town goes up for auction today.

Awesome idioms from around the world via Cup of Jo.

Succotash Gazpacho Shots? Ok, I’ll bite.

She’s hilarious.

What You Learn in Your 40′s. I’m not there yet but it’s getting awfully close.

I love this - made from the fruits of an autumn stroll- a good little craft for the kiddos.

This skirt. I wish they made it in my size, had to get it for the girl.

If I were throwing a Halloween bash tonight, I would definitely be serving up this cocktail.

Halloween just wouldn’t be Halloween without the nostalgic annual viewing of this 1980s PBS filmstrip to “Danse Macabre”. We used to watch this every year in elementary school music class. I was always (and still am) completely fixated by this filmstrip as dated as it is, that’s part of its charm.

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!


Dad and I

Happy long weekend dear readers. It’s my Dad’s birthday today. He would have been 72. There we are above circa 1976 in that amazing wood paneled den. Love you Dad, you will always be the coolest. Miss you and your generosity, humor, big love, wisdom and sense of adventure every day.

I hope you are all off to some fun and adventure in the spirit of this holiday weekend. We’re hanging around these parts trying to gussy up this joint. It is taking for-evah. I failed to properly estimate the time it would take me to fully unpack and semi-organzie with 2 toddlers in tow. It’ll get done one of these days… or not. In the meantime, we continue to navigate through our basement and garage like we are the All-Stars of the last season of Hoarders. We’ll throw in a bbq somewhere this weekend amidst the constant disarray. That’s sort of what life is though isn’t it. Throwing in the fun stuff amidst the chaos- something like that.

What I’m Drinking:

Le P’tit Rouqin from Olivier Lemasson. This fantastic gamay is brought to me by Ian Cauble’s new venture, Somm Select. From one of my favorite importers, Louis/Dressner, comes this terrifically acidic and food friendly but still fruitalicious Loire gamay. Strawberries, lots of flinty and clay minerality and a hint of tobacco and spice pepper this beauty. A light-to-medium bodied red that is so so good. Check out your local wine shop for Louis/Dressner imports as this bottle has already peaced-out from Somm Select and can be a bit elusive. It’s only about $20- a steal, as much of the Loire Valley can be.

A Few Things:

This cool new wine business (as mentioned above). A Master Somm’s picks straight from his palate to your front door. Well, something like that anyway. I’m a fan. I was cheering for Mr. Cauble in the recent smart vino doc, Somm and think this is a bright new venture for the now lettered MS. He’s got a beautiful Bandol up at the moment.

3 Great Foodie Memoirs- I can never get enough of these things (if I ever have time to read that is, which is never- so strike that whole comment but these do look interesting).

This fun little feature on my girl Jessica Pariseau. I just saw her in Cabaret and she is on fire kids. Go girl- one of my favorite people.

Katie Parla’s Proust-inspired Questionnaire- the subject: food writer Alec Lobrano. I’m always in the mood for a Prousty questionnaire especially when it involves food and musings upon it.

Who needs a bar cart anyway? Not me with these little ones running around, that’s for sure. This looks pretty good.

How NYC’s neighborhoods got their names. Hmm.

This terrific article written by my good pal, John Carroll. He never disappoints- one of the funniest and sharpest dudes I know.

For bougie bohemians, Mara Hoffman launches her first home collection at Anthropologie. Eyeballs and feathers and arrows, oh my. This is a little too blogtastic for me, but I do like a random eyeball here and again.

Holy Smoky Flavors- 10 Brilliant Grilling Secrets from the latest of issue of Food & Wine. A newbie convert to the wonders of the grill- I can’t believe what I’ve been missing- I was thrilled to get this latest issue in the mail as it is pretty much entirely devoted to the good sport of grilling.

A behind-the-scenes look at book cover design from the bookish folks at Chronicle.

Funny. I especially like June Squibb and Gary Oldham’s reactions.

Cin Cin ya’ll and Enjoy.


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The Thanksgiving Table

Tortoise Shell- My New Neutral

It’s not that it’s new, it’s just my new neutral. Tortoise- I like it.

A few bony beauties to ponder:

Fabby French Flatware- put a little Paris on the table. (P.S.: This is the best price going for the classic Sabre flatware).

A Boxy Tortoise Minaudiére- done. This thing goes everywhere with me after six, that is if I manage to leave my lair.

An Old School Wristwatch- it feels like 1979 and that feels good to me. Plus, sometimes… it’s nice to tell time from your wrist.

Classic Highballs with a Twist- these things go with every place setting and they look great in your hand.

A Dimmable Statement Lamp- and it’s wavy too.

That’s all.

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