Freeze! Try Again

Freeze! Try Again

There are some people in the world who just go around doing lots of good. And there are others that go around doing lots of said good with a creative hand. My friend Heather Lipson Bell is one of those people. Not only a talented dancer/choreographer/artistic director in her own right whose creative inspiration seems to constantly runneth over, she has also headed up Performing Arts for All, a program dedicated to teaching dance to special needs performers, since 1996.

Heather has created a curriculum that teaches movement, dance and drama to children and adults with disabilities including Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. She is one inspired and inspiring lady but I’m not just posting her praises here. Heather and her creative partner-in-crime, director Christine Deitner, are spearheading a Kickstarter campaign to help fund a documentary about this work entitled, Freeze! Try Again. This short dance doc will follow Heather and her dancers in their journey together in movement.

I’m blown away by her awesomeness. All this and she’s a mom. Heather and I first met dancing together in the late 90s alongside Placido Domingo in an L.A. Opera production of Samson & Delilah. We shared a dressing room, swapped stories while donning our harem pants and stage makeup, and have been friends ever since. Check out the project and please support if you are so inclined.

Image: Christine Deitner

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Mom Vacay- Sort Of

mom vacay

Hi all and Happy Monday! I have been hard at work on a new project where I am back to my creative first love- theater. I’m working with a dear friend and super talented Broadway director/choreographer Lisa Shriver. We met years ago on my first big NY show- Susan Stroman’s A Christmas Carol. She was Stro’s (as the Bdwy world lovingly refers to her) assistant and I was the swing. I learned 12 different tracks in less than 3 weeks and went on for nearly all of them- total baptism by fire. Despite the fact that I thought I was having a nervous breakdown, it was a great experience and I got to meet Lisa. She and I have worked together on lots of fun projects throughout the years including Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang benefit at Lincoln Center (where I actually got to meet Mr. Newman himself- only one of the best moments in my life) and Disney’s A Christmas Carol, the motion capture flick starring Jim Carrey. What a hoot that was. 6 weeks in LA working with Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Carey Elwes, Mr. Carrey and director Robert Zemeckis. A dream job to be sure and the residuals paid for both a trip to Provence and the bebes’ nursery.

Which brings me to those bebes. This is my first job that has taken me out of town for more than a day and a half from my darling kiddos. I thought it would be good for me to get back to my creative roots and work on a new show, especially with Lisa, but I was really worried and had lots of anxiety about being away from my kids for a week. It has been hard and I can’t believe how much I miss those toots but it has also been really good for me. A sort of mom vacay with lots of (fun) work. The photo above was a recent morning when I actually had some time to drink a cup of coffee and read the actual print version of the Sunday Times I had been saving for a rainy (thought it was actually sunny) day- the Travel section of course. That simple quiet moment led me to my latest big idea brainstorm (currently in the works- hopefully with details to come). It’s great to remind yourself of who you are, be creative and have a little time to yourself. All that said, I absolutely cannot wait to see my bebes and it has proved to be a little bit too long away from them after all.

What do you all think about mom vacays/time away from your kiddos? What is the longest that you’ve been away from them? I would love to hear from you.

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Happy Sunday

Happy Weekend!

gallery wall and striped settee

I love a gallery wall. I shall one day enjoy one complete with a striped settee- totally going to copy this look.

Happy Weekend dear readers! I hope you have an excellent Labor Day as we officially kiss summer goodbye. Arrivederci summertime- ’til next year. I hope you have some fun plans. No biggies over here, just hangin’ round.

So… among more important things that occurred this past week, this happened:

I had to google the word “twerk”.

I endured a 7 hour bus ride to NYC (should have been 4.5). I know, whoa is me, right- 1st world problems- but when you get into the wine industry because you have a good “nose”, there is inevitably a downside. This said bus was wafting with an intense bouquet of ripe b.o. Yes you read that right. Having an acute olfactory system is awesome when you’re sniffing the good stuff but man oh man, I wish I could turn this thing off when things go wrong.

I caught up with my fabulous and dear friend Cristy and we stayed up talking way past my bedtime.

My kiddos are just getting funnier by the minute- it’s awesome.

I played charades with mom and brother via text. I did. And I guessed the clue with only a few characters. It’s a new world, folks.

Matt Damon comes to Ben Affleck’s rescue, “You know, he’s not playing King Lear. It’s Batman!”. Nice. What are you trying to say Damon? Affleck can’t do Lear? Ha. I personally think Ben will be a stellar Batman and loved Patton Oswalt’s thoughts.

“I’m the King of the Barbarians!” Tortured though he may be, Mike Tyson never disappoints with an amazing sound bite.

And as always, a little link love:

happy weekend

1. Support our dear friend Super Maeve by sporting one of these cute tees in her honor. Her inspiring parents are hoping to raise awareness for children’s cancer with this project. Maeve is the most amazing two year-old bravely fighting a rare form of cancer and kicking its butt. All hail Super Maeve!

2. Twerk Schmerk-this guy can take Miley any day with his mad Vogue-ing skills.

3. This is just fantastic!

4. I love Caitlin MacGauley’s illustrations. I just bought this leopard print for my desk.

5. And then saw this photo with my envelope in her bike basket via her instagram account- what a weird world.

6. I can’t wait to read this. Marilyn Hagerty’s book on food in America with a foreword by Anthony Bourdain. You probably recognize the 87 year-old Hagerty from her numerous tv appearances when her review of an Olive Garden restaurant went viral. Her earnest review started a snarkfest and Bourdain quickly rushed to her defense. In the foreword he writes that, “this book kills snark dead”. I like it.

7. On the flip side, I’m psyched about all of the chic-chic fall restaurant openings – especially Contra and Ivan Ramen in NYC (and if I still lived in Hell’s Kitchen I’d be psyched about Gotham West Market), Shoo-Fly in Baltimore and Maketto in DC.

And… this is silly and worth a few minutes: Sh*t Southern Women Say- this sh*t is funny- these gals are great.

{Images: Jenny Komenda Little Green Notebook, Nowness, Caitlin McGauley}

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Today’s Inspiration: Sylvie Guillem

sylvie guillem

Can we talk about Sylvie Guillem. What a badass. I absolutely love her, always have. One of the world’s greatest dancers, no one can move like Sylvie.

In rehearsal with Laurent Hilaire in William Forsythe’s “in the middle somewhat elevated“.

in the middle somewhat elevated

If you have never seen this pas de deux, please do yourself a favor and watch. In my opinion, one of the best works ever created. Words cannot describe the sheer coolness of this piece. To be blunt, it’s just cool as shit.

Sylvie is a French ballet and contemporary dancer. She was a principal dancer with the Paris Opera Ballet throughout the 80s and then a principal guest artist with the Royal Ballet of London. She continues to wow audiences and is currently an artistic director at Sadler Wells Theater in London. I’m constantly inspired by her. Also a talented photographer, the photo at the tope of the page is a self-portrait for French Vogue 2004. Truly one of the coolest.

{Image: Sylvie Guillem, rehearsal image: source unknown}

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Buns, Backpacks and Ballerinas

buns and backpacks

How great is this photo- three of my best dancers making their way through the mean streets of NYC to their next dance class. These girls- Blair, Jenna and Sophie- are 17, 16 and 18 and loving every minute of it. They were in the city for a plié-packed week of dance classes and Broadway shows. With their topknots, leggings and backpacks, they are an adorable dancerly site to see. If you spend time between W. 42nd St. and W. 74th St. in Manhattan, you will undoubtedly have dancer spottings aplenty. That’s our corridor, yo.

I just loved this photo so much I had to share, they remind me so much of my younger self. Ah, those were the days- bolting up and downtown to take my morning ballet class at Steps, make a matinee with my half price tickets from the TKTS booth, and fit in that late afternoon jazz class at Broadway Dance Center (back when it was actually on Broadway). There’s nothing quite like a hot and sweaty New York City dance class in the middle of the summer. Strapping on your character shoes after warmup, making like Reinking or Rivera, dancing your guts out and peering out the windows at the people-filled streets below, dreaming of the day when the teachers (and the best dancers in class) know your name and you’ve earned your spot in the union. Nope, it’s never quite like that again. This photo takes me right back to it. Love.

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Happy Monday

This is amazing. If I could time travel, my first stop might have to be straight to a Soul Train episode. These guys are killing it. I love the women’s suits, the men’s bow ties are out of control and I can’t even count how many dudes are rocking the under-the-knee clap. My favorite is this guy- talk about smooth:

get lucky

Watch this Soul Train/Daft Punk Get Lucky video here, it will seriously make your day.

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Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend all. I hope you all have some fun summery plans. We are off to Montauk to join 6 of my best girls and their families for the weekend. Can not wait. There will be 15 kids there between all of us- should be super fun and crazy.

A little link love and a few things that really made me smile this week:

happy weekend

1. Audra McDonald drops the mike at the end of the always brilliant TONY award finale wrap up, with Neil Patrick Harris. Yes Audra McD!

2. An entire amusement park smushed up into a cube. This gives recycling a whole new meaning.

3. An inspired birth announcement.

4. Nice wine room.

5. Holy Spanish stone barn! This is ridonk.

6. I”m not really a puppies and ponies kind of girl, but these photos are pretty great.

7. Flight tags as art- love it.

Happy Weekend to all!


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The Analogue Guide: 5 Spots in NYC

analogue guide

If you live in or are planning a trip to the greatest city on earth, you should run your fingers over to right quick and get yourself a copy of The Analogue Guide to New York. My very talented friend Alana Stone is the co-writer and co-editor of the ingenious Analogue Guide book series along with her her husband Stefan Horn. They live a wanderlusty life currently residing in Barcelona with their next stop perhaps LA or Vancouver- whichever best floats their boat. They go where their dreams and inspirations take them and recently welcomed their baby girl while effortlessly hopping from NYC to Madrid during pregnancy. Landing in Barcelona with their young lass, with a few stops in Italy and England in between, these guys get around. They’re the perfect people to write your dream guide book as they travel like locals hitting up neighborhood hot spots and haunts in a concerted effort to garner an authentic travel experience.

In her words, “Analogue Guides is a series of compact, independently curated city guide books featuring high quality, unique, low key venues- distilled through the lens of the neighborhood.” The genius of the guides is the way they are organized- by neighborhood. The layout gives you permission to travel more specifically focusing your day on a few spots in a decided part of town, as opposed to subjecting yourself to the torture of running yourself uptown, downtown and sideways-town in order to hit the “must-see spots” that most guide books would have you believe is the only way see the city. Whew- I’m exhausted just typing that.

The Analogue Guides are your ticket to traveling like the cool kids. And by that I don’t mean 19-year-old hipsters, I mean people that know the inside dealio and how to spend a proper day kicking back and exploring like a local. Take in the other side as you relax on the back patio of a killer surf shop in the impossibly darling West Village while sipping the best coffee around or stand in line for hours on end waiting for the elevator at Rock Center. It’s a different way of seeing the city. Seriously, enough said.

Ok, just a few more things- I love how Alana and Stefan are championing the printed page. Yay- long live paper and the printed word. Let’s be honest, some things are just more fun when they’re tangible. They’ve layered their guides with smart photography and well-appointed and easy to navigate maps. Their book is the kind of thing you want in your hand when walking the mean streets- so much cooler than a smart phone. And, ok one more thing, no trees were harmed in the printing of these books. All are 100% recycled. Now a bit about Alana:

meet alana stone

Alana and I met in the wine world. Just as she was finishing up a stint in the cellar at Balthazar, I was beginning mine. We later met working for a small French importer of lip-smacking wines led by a curious and entertaining Frenchman. We had a ball together. She speaks 5 languages fluently and was always running off to attend some Catalan film festival while simultaneously working on her PhD in Japanese Comparative Literature at Columbia. I was impressed. We’ve stayed chums as I continue to live vicariously through her globetrotting. I heartily recommend her guide books to any and everyone planning a trip to the locales they cover. With London and NY published, more cities are in the works.

She has been gracious to share 5 of her favorite finds from The Analogue Guide: New York. Drumroll please…


1. Surf Shop & Coffee Counter
Saturdays Surf
Saturdays Surf presents a unique concept with a distinctly Pacific vibe. The shabby-chic store offers a vast array of surfing paraphernalia including boards, wetsuits, books and artwork dedicated to the wave—while doubling as an excellent café serving La Colombe blends. Grab a flat white and browse the selection of books dedicated to Australian, Californian and South African tides. Then head back to the gloriously dishevelled garden courtyard to finish off your cup in the afternoon sun.

2. Philadelphia Coffee Import
La Colombe
Philadelphia based roaster La Colombe serves some of the finest beans in NYC at its aesthetically pleasing trio of Manhattan locations. The cafés boast a cosmopolitan atmosphere forged by a strong local following and international mélange of creative types. Drop by the sun drenched Nolita location for a rich and creamy cappuccino seemingly melting into its Italian Majolica cup, and a sumptuous slice of olive oil loaf. Then borrow a section of the NY Times and relax on the solid wooden banquette.

3. South Williamsburg Glamour
From its baroque decor to its clad-in-black wait staff, a festive atmosphere predominates at Michelin-starred Dressler. Playful and sophisticated, the space is peppered with intricate pieces by Brooklyn Navy Yard artisan sculptors. This sumptuous backdrop contextualizes the menu, consisting of an intricate hotchpotch of locally sourced New American cuisine and an extensive international wine list. All in all, a decadently pleasurable experience.

4. Pinnacle of the Performing Arts
BAM —Brooklyn Academy of Music
Inaugurated in 1861, when Brooklyn was still an independent city, the Brooklyn Academy of Music has served as a major cultural force ever since. Drawing on deep historical ties with several acclaimed European theatres, BAM hosts top-flight international productions, in addition to maintaining its status as the premier NYC venue for cutting edge new work by local artists. Performances are held at either the intricately restored Harvey Theater or the grandiose Gilman Opera House.

5. Sushi par Excellence
Sushi Yasuda
Arguably the best purveyor of sushi in New York City, Yasuda settles for nothing short of excellence. From the imposing wooden sushi counter, where you can order an omakase nonstop succession of delights, to the resolutely minimalist yet warm interior, every detail is meticulously executed. The lunch and dinner sushi sets are particularly enjoyable, as the chef will point out the day’s freshest ingredients for you to select from. Wherever possible, fish is locally sourced. A top-notch comprehensive sake list complements the menu.

Merci Beaucoup, Alana!

{Images: Analogue Guide Books, text map of Manhattan: Ork Posters}

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Happy Weekend!

A Day In The Life: Ariana DeBose

Currently on Broadway as Mary Wilson of The Supremes in the hit show Motown, Ariana DeBose gives us a peek into a day in the life:

A Day In The Life-Ariana DeBose

Ari, take us through your day:

My Morning:

My day always starts off with a cup of joe and some morning business.
-P.S.: as an actress, watching Crimes of the Heart totally counts as business- ha.
I’m working on my website and using the black and white fishnet veil image as inspiration.
My mom sent me this write up in my local Raleigh paper- what a nice surprise.
On my way to the 2 train, I spy some sensible graffiti art.

My Afternoon:

I squeeze in a quick photo shoot as I needed some new shots, I like how this one turned out- it’s my Mary Tyler Moore moment.
I head to the Genius Bar on the Upper West Side which I love because you don’t need an appointment.
I arrive at my dressing room to find my gown from Hilton Hollis- yay- for opening night, a huge perk of being on Broadway.
My latest obsession- Chimes Ginger Chews, they’re delicious and good for the vocal chords.
My fabulous dresser helps me restyle a dress I’ve already worn for another event.
I always pop in to stage management to say hello, we have an amazing and hardworking team.
That gooey gold lame is courtesy of the design talents of one Emilio Sosa- our costume designer. I’m the understudy for Diana Ross and I cannot wait to get into that gown.

My Evening:

A quick backstage photo op before curtain and then off to drinks with the legendary Martha Reeves and the Andantes (lucky me- another huge perk).
That’s a photo of my personal guru and master set designer, David Korins and I- he’s totally a genius.
And that’s a wrap- back uptown I go to start all over again tomorrow.

A Day In the Life

I’ve know Ari since she was a wee student of 18. Now she’s all of 22 strutting down the step and repeat with two Broadway shows and a stint on So You Think You Can Dance under her belt. Geez Louise, these young whipper snappers move fast today. She’s all abuzz on the New York theater scene and she took a few minutes out of her fun filled day to talk with us.

Did you always know you wanted to be on Broadway?

I always knew I wanted to perform. I figured out that Broadway was the place for me around age 12. The first musical I saw was Rent and there was something about that girl in the leopard coat (Mimi) that made me think I could do what she was doing.

What is your favorite thing about being on Broadway?

There are too many to count; but I just adore all the amazing people I get to meet.

What’s it like playing Mary Wilson? 

It’s fabulous to play an icon every night! And Mary had so many dynamic qualities that make it so fun to play. She was a ball of sex appeal and utter joy.

How much do you love your costumes, and Emilio Sosa- what is he like to work with? 

Emilio is so wonderful! He has such an eye for a woman’s body and how to capture the essence if each client or character. We had such a good time together with both the Mary track and my Diana understudy costumes. He worked to tailor the styles to my body and personality- makes a girl feel special!

Tell me about your training.

I trained at CC & Company Dance Complex in Raleigh, NC. I am Studio raised and grew up competing and taking class at conventions. I started taking private vocal lessons my junior year of high school and spent a short time at Western Carolina University where I took a very helpful acting class. But I am still training as we speak. I treat every job as a chance to learn something new, I’m constantly in dance class and training with my vocal coach.

What was it like being on So You Think?

SYTYCD was such a whirlwind. It was my first real audition experience and I learned a lot about myself and how to function in an audition. The show itself was just icing on the cake! I mean what 18 year old doesn’t enjoy being on TV?!

With an 8 show a week schedule and working 6 days a week, what is your perfect day off?

A day at the spa! I love to lounge in a pool with my best girls and a mimosa, throw in a full body massage and I’m set.

Sounds pretty great Ari. In your next life, you’re a…

Fashion Designer

Who or what inspires you?

PEOPLE inspire me. Every day I see something- an act of kindness, or something as small as a smile will inspire me.

Where is your favorite spot on the planet?

Austria. I sound like Maria Von Trapp, but I have never been more at peace then when I was there, the air is so clean.

What’s on your Bucket List?

So many things! I want to visit the rock of Gibraltar, climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge, ski the Alps and I definitely want to perform at the Kennedy Center.

What is something you really don’t need to do again?

No. More. Reality. Shows. It was fabulous while it lasted but I don’t need to do it again.

What are you reading and/or listening to?

I just bought Then Again by Diane Keaton. I really admire her and I’m enjoying her insight thus far and I’m currently listening to Morgan James Live: A Celebration of Nina Simone. This fierce white woman is singing for the gods!

What is your favorite personal possession:

I have a string of red beads from the 50′s my great grandmother gave me before she passed. I wear them whenever I want to feel fancy.

Favorite style or beauty trend of the season?

I’m living for this Aqua Fresh vibe this summer spotted via Marie Claire’s UK site.

aqua fresh

Any show savvy tips for looking fabulous (preferably in 10 min. or less for us moms out here with zero beauty time on our hands)? 
I love this tinted moisturizer from Laura Mercier. It’s lightweight and so easy to apply- I use it as my base- it’s FLAWLESS and sets your face up for the day.
What’s on your perfect menu?
I”m obsessed with grilled shrimp, sautéed asparagus &almonds, and Mediterranean couscous paired with a Kermit Lynch La Viarte Pinot Grigio…. Now I’m hungry!
Where do you want to be in 10 years?

That’s a hard question…. part of me would love to have transitioned into television while still living life in the city. I’m legitimately hoping that I will have gone back to school by then and earned a degree of some sort.

And last, what advice would you give to a young performer with stars in his or her eyes? 

Don’t let anyone tell you no. Go after what you want and get creative to make things happen for yourself. I didn’t grow up with money but I worked, got scholarships, and talked to as many people as I could. Don’t ever forget the power of communication. You only get what you ask for, so put positive energy out into the world and you’ll get it back!
Thanks Ari! 



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Happy Weekend and Welcome June!


I just love this. Not sure why- maybe it’s the whole idea of having limits in such vastness or maybe it’s just cool. In any case, happy weekend to you all! I hope you enjoy the first days of June. We’re throwing a tiny birthday party for the tiny bebes. They turned one this week so they’ll be smashing some cakes and opening some presents- yippee.

I’m making this Banana & Blueberry Cake and this Carrot Cake- I just can’t go the full monty yet with the sugar and the ice cream. If you’re rolling your eyes at me as you read this, I don’t blame you. But they’ll be on to sugar soon enough and besides I’m in full on preservation mode. I absolutely love watching them grow but will so miss the tiny babe stage.

I hope you all have a most excellent weekend.

A little link love:

A winemaker’s favorite places around the world.

Next time I’m in Paris (please let it be soon), I’m hitting this place up for the cutest kids’ clothes ever.

Calling all bike loving crafty waftys- DIY your own super cute bike crate. How great is this.

The best wedding party photo of all time?

Ikea makes a really cool pharmacy cabinet. I would love this for my bathroom.

For anyone that has the time, here are some super cute DIY cocktail sticks to make your party pinterest perfect. My parties these days are definitely not darlingly designed, it’s more of the throw it all together at the last minute or let’s just have an impromptu picnic but hey- whatever works.

And next time I’m in San Fran (please let it be soon), I’m hitting this place up for fantastic curios and oddities.

Haven’t we all danced around our bedroom in our underwear to the Dixie Chicks, “Landslide”? I know I have. Check out Tyler Marcum dancing alongside his 20 year-old self. This is awesome, he was pretty inspired in that dorm room.

My new favorite wine label.

Animals that you didn’t know existed- love that Irawaddy Dolphin!

Wow. There are so many things to say about this and I really can’t tell whether it’s for real or a spoof but after it’s all said and done, it’s really all about that camel toe and that gallup. Wow.

Mario Batali’s way of welcoming the weekend- Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

A life sized prairie dollhouse gone- so sad.

This is absolutely hilarious- a conversation between a dad and his 2 year old daughter reenacted by adults.

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