Monday Musings

RDV the goods
(wine tasting at RdV)

Ahh- the holidays. A new week of merriment. A new week of Christmas cookies and peppermint mochas. A new week of firsts for my little ones. We watched the classic Rankin & Bass Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for the first time last night and I have to say, Santa is kind of an assh*$e in that version. I hadn’t remembered it that way but he’s pretty self-involved. It’s funny when you find yourself looking at all of your favorite holiday to-do’s through your little one’s eyes- much is revealed.

Childhood nostalgia gone awry aside, I’ve been meaning to share a few tidbits with you all since we last met. After Anna Watson Carl and I hosted our Bubbly and Bites gathering at the darling Red Barn Mercantile, we ventured out into the Virginia vines to explore the juice making that is currently underway at Rutger de Vink’s famed RdV Vineyard. I have partaken of their 2 blends, the Lost Mountain and the Rendezvous and already counted myself in as a big fan (I included their Rendezvous in the lineup for our Anthology entertaining story), but had yet to visit the winery or vineyard. In a word- it’s stunning. The detail and thought that has gone into building the winery and planting the vines is truly commendable. RdV sports a cozy and rustic-meets-minimal tasting lounge. I say lounge because they have foregone the traditional tasting bar for a more relaxing den complete with cowhide, hand-crafted walnut stools and antlers over the roaring fireplace. The vibe at RdV feels exclusive without being so. Anyone is welcome, as long as you are cool with paying the $50 tour and tasting fee which I say is worth it as it includes a lengthy tour led by a Lucchessi boat-wearing, sassy tour guide/gal Friday at the winery, and a glass of Pol Roger bubbly upon arrival. Guests are welcome to stay as long as they please and while away a winter’s day in front of the fire with lovely views of the vineyards that were sure to be a tough grow. de Vink knew as much which is why he set his sights on the land. The rocky earth would indeed provide the perfect growing conditions for Bordeaux varietals that beg for impossible to farm anything but grapes soil. I’m sold. His stuff is great and he’s got top notch Bordeaux blender Eric Boissentot blending for RdV as well so they’re in good hands. If you live in or are visiting the DC area and appreciate good vino, make it a must-do on your list. Sign up for a tour/tasting here.


The other newsworthy tidbit I wanted to share was that the hubs and I were lucky enough to procure another invitation to the Kennedy Center Honors this year. There were no White House cocktails in the mix this year, but the show and gala were plenty. I mention this because the show itself was so exceptional that I highly recommend you all either set your DVR’s or watch it broadcast on CBS Dec. 30th. I’ve instructed all of my ballet students to tune in because Tiler Peck of the NYC Ballet gives perhaps the best performance of Balanchine’s Fascinatin’ Rhythm to date in honor of famed dancer and Kennedy Center Honoree, Patricia McBride. Not for nothing, my hubby agrees as does his dad- both of which have seen the variation danced dozens of times by different ballerinas including the magnificent Ms. McBride herself- that her performance is far and away the best they have ever seen. Tiler Peck KILLS it. Even if you are not a big dance fan- do yourself a big favor and watch her dance- she performs the solo with enthusiasm and technical prowess matched by unbelievable musicality and theatricality. I’m going out on a limb here and saying that I do believe Ms. Tiler Peck may be my favorite female dancer of all time (well her and Cyd Charisse). She has a way of not just executing difficult steps with effortless grace, but she’s got something much more important and elusive- she’s got moxie my friends- and that seals the deal for me. Oh, and Lady Gaga is pretty fierce tributing Sting- not to mention The Boss- say what! Just watch it, it’s pretty great.

Kennedy Center Honors
Donning our dapperest at the Honors.


And a few other things: 

-First things first: I’m all caught up with Serial- AHHHHH! Now what? I can’t believe how good this investigative journalism is- or maybe I’m just a sucker for Sarah Koenig. I dig that there are 5 million viewers trying to solve this crime all huddled around their SmartPhones or laptops, not exactly the picture of a Fireside Chat, but I love that people are listening to radio- a medium that still allows for our own brains to fill in the holes. The last episode airs this Thursday, if you have not fully succumbed to this phenomenon, do yourself a favor and Pod it up.

-We popped open a special bottle of Brunello brought back by my brother and sis-in-law from the Mother Country. This one’s special because the grapes are harvested to Mozart. That’s right, those lucky little vines are listening to Wolfgang day and night courtesy of several loud speakers set up in the vineyards- an on-going experiment in fellowship with the University of Florence and Pisa. Does it make a big difference? Only time will tell- this bottle was a bit young (and in truth, opened mistakenly by my husband as I was hoping to cellar it for a few years but c’est la vie) but I love the concept and it was complex and delicious. Next time I find myself in Montalcino, I’m hightailing it to Il Paradiso di Frassina.

-If you’re looking for a great sugar cookie recipe for those Christmas cookies- I’m loving this one from Food & Wine. We made it this morning. My only adaptation was putting in a full teaspoon of good salt- I like a bit more salt in my cookies.

-Homemade Peppermint Mochas via The Faux Martha- ’tis the season!

-We had the great pleasure of sipping some pink Krug this past weekend. We took my mom to Grape and Bean’s annual Champagne tasting where we were in for a treat. Not just one glass but two glasses of Krug were served- the Grand Cuvee and Rosé, not to mention the very tasty Janisson & Fils rosé brut and two grower champagnes of which I failed to jot down. That’s what happens when you get a bit of the bubbly in ya. One of the highlights of the evening beyond the bubbles, was Matt Carroll, a local Somm and current Master Somm candidate. If you’re shrugging your shoulders, just take a look at this doc to see what he’s putting himself through. He was fabulous, smart and most importanly, approachable.

-16 French locales that belong on every wine lover’s bucket list.

-If you’re looking for a new Insta feed to follow, look no further than my pal Vina’s feed. She’s the local foodie and head honcho of all things social media over at the Eat Good Food Group- the mecca of good eats in Old Town, so she knows her stuff and takes pretty pictures.

-22 times Jennifer Lawrence didn’t give a ___. And the love affair continues.

-And speaking of starlets, it’s always the right time for an Audrey Hepburn movie. If you’re queue is short on Audrey, here are a few more to add to it.

Happy Monday and Cin Cin!


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Fake A Vacay?
Bivalves and a View
The Contender: An Oscar-Worthy Champagne Cocktail

In Search of Tippi, Cheese, and Oysters: A Coastal Adventure

California Coast
Oh hello Pacific, I’ve missed you.

That piece of California coastline just north of San Francisco and south of Mendocino- its mystique has called to filmmakers, foodies, seafarers, writers and travelers alike for ages, and I finally had the perfect opportunity to see (and taste) for myself just what all the hubbub is about. I recently spent the day in Sonoma working on a winemaking story with photographer, Amy Dickerson. On the way up, we decided to make a few pit stops to investigate, explore and well… eat- let’s be honest. In truth, two of my stops had been a long time coming, sitting on my personal Hit List for years- a pilgrimage to The Birds‘ Bodega Bay, and an authentic California coastal oyster adventure- knocking off two birds with one stone. Boom. I love it when that happens.

This fog-filled and rocky coastline is dramatic, a bit eerie (thank you Mr. Hitchcock) and seductive without being overt about it. It’s more Adele than Minaj, if you will- it’s not really in your face but it lingers. Its landscape is still Mother Nature totally showing off, just not quite as dramatically as she does a bit farther south, but somehow its call is even stronger. California coastline aside, I knew oysters were responsible for some of the enticement as well, but had yet to try them in their hometown, and as a sucker for anything Hitchcockian, the cinematic backdrop of Bodega Bay is a must stop. Cali Coast
Beachside at Bodega Bay.

Finding last minute lodging during the harvest in Sonoma County proved to be impossible, and Amy and I were forced to board outside of wine country proper. Ding- a light bulb- this is it, my chance to visit Bodega Bay- Tippi is calling. And on the way up just happens to be the tiny town of Marshall, California host to two of the most famous oyster joints in the country. Also a sucker (quite literally) for oysters, the idea that the twain shall meet had me pretty pumped.

Touchdown at SFO, car rented and off  and over the Bay Bridge we went. Making our way up the coast, we decided to really pack it all in and include a third pilgrimage making this a complete trifecta, a trinity if you will of all things food and film fantastic. First stop: the cheese mecca that is Cowgirl Creamery in charming Point Reyes Station. Just under an hour and a half from the airport in this quaint little town sits the Cowgirl cheese factory and shop where the goodness began. As I stepped out of our rental, I could instantly smell the salt air- oh hello California coast, how happy you make me. We made our way in to the Creamery and embarked on a mini tasting. Choosing a few Cowgirl hallmarks, namely the Red Hawk, Mt. Tam and Fromage Blanc (which is insanely good with blueberry jam on a baguette) and an other-worldly stinky cheese from the local town of Nicasio, we picked up some freshly baked bread and continued our journey up the coast.

Cowgirl Creamery
Where the magic happens at Cowgirl Creamery in Point Reyes Station.

Next stop: the oyster mecca that is Marshall, just ten twisty miles north of Pt. Reyes. This little area is one for the books and the photo albums- an absolute dream and a must for anyone that loves a coastline and an oyster- not exactly a tough bill to fill. But even if you don’t love oysters, be sure to make a pit stop in Marshall, but be on the lookout, blink and you’ll miss it. Scenic beyond belief, its natural and rugged beauty begs for a glass of sparkling wine just to celebrate its existence. There are lots of little local seafood shacks around these parts, but the two most famous for its oysters are Tomales Bay Oyster Co. and Hog Island Oyster Co.

tomales bay oyster co

We made our first stop at Tomales Bay’s self-shucking picnic spot. Talk about ambience. It is all at once rustic and rugged, charming, quaint and drop dead gorgeous, nestled on the shell-filled shores of Tomales Bay where a quick whiff brings in the perfume of fresh salty air and charring oysters on the grill. We wanted a look-see but I won’t lie, I’m no shucker. This place is for pros, you can borrow the staff’s knives to shuck, but you need to come armed with vino and anything else you want to nosh on. They are serious about the rules here, the grills are solely for the oysters, no meat please, and if you are down for this sort of adventure, I cannot imagine a better spot in the world. Just pony up to the counter to purchase your bivalves and set yourself up. We weren’t prepared with a picnic, so we made like Clark Griswald taking in the Grand Canyon, and promptly took off for Hog Island Oyster Co. After traveling all day, we couldn’t wait to sit down with some great vino and devour our already shucked oysters. Tomales Bay Oyster Co. also owns the Marshall Store where you don’t have to work for your dinner, but Hog Island was calling our name.

tomales bay co
The picturesque picnic grounds at Tomales Bay Oyster Co.

Next stop: Hog Island Oyster Co.- cue the harkening angel chorus and spotlight. This little spot sits on a half moon-sized piece of land that lies just over the rocks and shells leading down to the bay, where fisherman are literally docking their small boats and heading up to shore with their daily catch in tow. The setting resembles a more rugged Cabot Cove and I felt a little like Jessica Fletcher, minus the murders, but full of the intrigue, curiosity and investigation. The people are friendly and everybody there- staff and patrons alike- clearly knows how to have a good time. This is the good life, folks. Saddle up to the big boat that doubles as the Oyster bar and order up both the raw and Chipotle-Bourbon BBQ oysters (oh my Gawd! -and this from a girl who always prefers her bivalves plain and simply raw), a few glasses of Iron Horse’s Wedding Cuvee’s Sparkling Wine (when in Rome, er, the Sonoma Coast) and prepare to be viscerally impressed.

Hog Island
The view from Hog Island Oyster Co.’s picnic tables.

The Marshall outpost is the Hog Island homebase that has spurred the San Francisco and Napa outposts where locals and tourists alike regularly line up around the block to sample the goods. Fresh from the source, here’s why…

Oysters at Hog Island
Raw oysters, Chipotle Bourbon BBQ Oysters and a glass of Muscadet- heaven.

We arrived at Hog’s Island around 4pm, a little before they make last call, and were lucky to snag the last picnic table and get in a few rounds of oysters and drinks before we were politely called out as the last diners standing (or sitting in our case), and very nicely asked to promptly get our show on the road, but not before making fast friends with the locals and finding out the history behind Hog Island itself.- The eucalyptus tree-filled island sits in the middle of Tomales Bay. It briefly housed hundreds of pigs as a result of a bizarre incident in the 1870s, when the barge the pigs were traveling on collapsed. There are no pigs on the island now, it’s nothing but a pretty piece of rock as it has been donated to the Point Reyes National Seashore. After much ogling and “mmmm”-ing, in this perfect little picturesque movie set-looking cove, we finally dragged ourselves away from its beauty, plumper in the belly and leaner in the wallet (it ain’t cheap here, but for my money, the quality of the food, the wine and the view are well worth the price) to trade in for yet another magnificent bay still farther north.

bodega bay
A foghorn bell sounds in the distance here at Bodega Bay.

Last Stop: Bodega Bay, 22 miles north of Marshall. Driving up the meandering coastline as it winds its way north, the fog seems to settle in a bit lower, creating even more of a mystique around this Marine-layered coastline. That delicious fog is what makes those inland grapes so good, and what makes this patch of real estate so interesting, and dare I say a tad bit spooky. Maybe it’s just the images of “The Birds” I have forever emblazoned on my mind. Probably. As we drove up to the Bodega Bay Lodge, the eeriness quickly stepped aside to make way for a more welcoming personality. A beautiful and picture perfect lodge perched atop a bluff overlooking Bodega Bay, this place boasts sweeping waterfront views and is altogether dreamy. The rooms itself are fine and if not unique, they are simple and pretty, but the actual property is the thing here. Each room delivers a swoonful view, complete with fog bell sound effect in the distance. On property is an open-air pool with killer views, and a luxe little spa to boot, where we each had a yummy Cabernet Scrub and Hot Stone massage that lulled us both into dream-like states. Oh yeah. We ponied up to the Fireside Lounge that was hopping on this weekend eve, grabbed a few glasses of local Pinot and popped a squat around the outdoor fire pit. And… scene- day and dream complete.

Bodega Bay Lodge
Morning coffee on the terrace at Bodega Bay Lodge.

The next morning called for some Hitchock-inspired adventures. Hair up, sunglasses donned, I prepared to channel my best Tippi through the quaint little towns of Bodega and Bodega Bay. Bodega Bay is the little village that sits around the Bay, and a few miles south and one mile inland is the town of Bodega where the iconic schoolhouse and chapel sit. Bodega is about two blocks long and again, looks just like a movie set. No wonder Hitchcock chose this locale for his thriller, it was made for the movies. A quick and shameless obligatory selfie outside the chapel and schoolhouse, and we were on to the Roadhouse Cafe in Bodega Bay where the locals hold court.

Channeling Tippi
had to 

The coffee situation at Roadhouse is top notch. I had a nutty tart that was a little piece of heaven, Tippi approves as her headshot proudly hangs on the cafe wall. After a quick drive around Bodega Bay to see just exactly where the Hitchcock blonde stiffly sat in that rowboat with her tightly fastened updo, slowly and silently making her way across the Bay to the bird-filled town, we ducked into Diekmann’s Bay- a colorful little grocery store worth a trip inside if even just to use the ATM and grab a bottle of water.

Roadhouse Cafe

Tippi making the rounds
Tippi has clearly made the rounds with signed publicity stills appearing all over town.

For a stellar dining option, Bodega Bay is now the proud host of a Michelin-starred restaurant, Terrapin Creek Cafe. The locals clearly love this place as it is unassuming and casual with exceptional food to boot, but the out-of-towners are the ones that make Terrapin tick. Owned and operated by a husband and wife team, Andrew Truong and Liya Lin, the cafe is booked solid on the weekends. We didn’t have a chance to dine at Terrapin but I’m a firm believer in always leaving something to return to.

Tippi may have used this bayside path to board her little rowboat. Heels are not recommended but if you’re a Hitchcock blonde, they’re kind of a must. 

For all its charms, the seaside and rugged coastline are what people really flock to this part of the world for- the excellent food is a bonus. This little part of the coast is both haunting (again- thank you Sir Alfred) and calming. I overheard a few RV trippers talking about the boat trip they had taken the day before. “We chartered a 22 foot boat and spotted a 21 foot Great White, I mean he was nearly as big as the boat.” That quote kind of sums it all up for me. Maybe they did see a shark as big as their boat or maybe there’s just something about this beautifully dramatic part of the world that heightens the senses and calls for a tall tale or two. Cue the fog bell, it’s all so perfectly cinematic.

Bodega Bay

Cowgirl Creamery (book a tour every Friday at 11am) Point Reyes Station
Tomales Bay Oyster Co., Marshall
Hog Island Oyster Co., Marshall
Terrapin Creek Cafe, Bodega Bay
Roadhouse Coffee, Bodega Bay
Sir and Star, Olema (just a bit south of Pt. Reyes and worth a stop if it’s on your route)

Diekmann’s Bay Store , Bodega Bay
Point Reyes Station offers several charming locally owned stores along Hwy 1.

Bodega Bay Lodge, Bodega Bay (doubles from $239)
Poet’s Loft, Tomales Bay (nightly from $275)

Point Reyes National Seashore: great trails- long and short all throughout the Point Reyes National Seashore. You may spot a sea otter or two if you’re lucky.
Bodega Bay: beautiful walking paths all along the dunes and the seashore, great for bird watching, picnicking and taking in the salt air.

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Westward Ho


Sonoma Coast

In the words of L.L. Cool J, “I’m going back to Cali”- even if it is just for 48 hours. I have been California dreaming for, well… forever really. I’ve always fancied myself a California girl, though I’m really much more of an East Coast gal, the Golden State has my heart. In my early twenties, I lived in LaLa Land for a few winsome years and always find myself harkening back to those glory days of unbelievable scenic and inspiring spontaneous road trips peppered with great food, wine and that only-in-Cali laid-back lifestyle. Of course, my regular day to day was not so swoonful, as it most always involved me feeling like I might as well be in an armored suit at my driving wheel as I fought the ongoing battle of LA traffic for what felt like (and I think was in fact) hours at a time, traversing over canyons, trying to make the left turn light and sitting still on freeways for eons. I mean let’s be real. But oh California- despite your cluttered congestion, how I miss you so. I wish you weren’t so far away but as I write from my window seat on one of Sir Richard Branson’s airliners peeking at the rugged mountains subtly forming and growing taller and taller with each passing minute, California-here I come, right back where I (sort of) started from.

I’m venturing out west not just for fun (though it undoubtedly will involve lots of that), but for an exciting story that I am working on with my talented photographer friend, Amy Dickerson. It involves vino as you might guess, and is shaping up to be an adventurous , colorful and action-packed weekend. We are due to hit the heart of Sonoma Valley at the peak of the crush, I cannot wait to see, smell and taste those grapes. I am looking forward to sharing the details once we have sussed them all out. I am also chomping at the bit to get me a piece of that California coastline and because of the harvest (despite the recent earthquake), we couldn’t actually find any lodging remotely affordable, or really even at all in wine country proper so much to my delight, we will be bunking in Bodega Bay. I have always wanted to visit, mostly because I am a sucker for a seaside town and fancy myself a bit like Jessica Fletcher in that way- looking for my own Cabot Cove to call home. Throw in the fun fact that Bodega Bay plays backdrop to Hitchcock’s “The Birds” and well- it’s a done deal. On the way up from San Fran, we’ll be making lots of pit stops tasting and slurping our way up the coast. Cowgirl Creamery’s original Pt. Reyes outpost, The Tomales Bay Oyster Co. and Hog Island Oyster Co. have been calling my name for years and I have yet to patronize. Today is the day my friends, I’m pretty psyched. If I’m lucky enough to spot a sea otter, it might just put me over the edge.

What are you all up to this weekend? The fall festivals are starting to ignite all over the place which makes me and my little ones so happy, what’s shaking in your part of the woods? Cheers to a Happy Weekend!

A Few Fun Things from around the interwebs: 

“It’s decorative gourd season, motherf#*$ers”- this is hilarious.

In honor of the Scots, almost-secession aside., these look pretty great.

What is going on with #bringbackourgirls?

I have been searching high and low for a groovy fall doormat, nothing too gimmicky but just something fun. Wow- what a shortage. I should go in to the doormat business. I did find this one boasting my favorite fall flower in a big print- score.

This is a terrific kickstarter campaign to end the months of isolation that kids with cancer face and bring them back into a world they can share with other children.

I’m loving this new print studio for photo albums. Easy to print from your phone and pretty to look at.

This crunchy kale, fontina, butternut squash, pomegranate seed-topped pizza looks ridiculous. I’m making this pronto.

Once a Yankees fan, always a Yankees fan. Combine Sinatra with Jeter and you get near perfection. This is a pretty great sendoff.

My new favorite roast chicken recipe. It’s from Thomas Keller and it’s easy? Sold. Thanks Rashmi!

I’m tempted to paint this on my laundry room wall. Thanks Am!

15 Career Tips from Smart Women.

A fun little craft project for the kiddos.

And one for both the kiddos and the adults- so pretty!

Cin Cin ya’ll!

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10 For The Host with the most

This time of year brings lots of travel (yay!) and sometimes a night or two or three at a pal’s place. I like to come bearing gifts for my Host with the Most, especially those I wouldn’t buy for myself- tiny cake stands anyone?


10 For The Host With The Most

A Perfect Picnic Basket- come on, who wouldn’t want one of these? Especially one this cute- from tastemaker and blogger extraordinaire Sarah Sherman Samuel, comes her new line of artisanal entertaining goodness. Everything is deliciously lovely and I am always partial to a picnic basket.

Some Coastal Coasters- bold and graphic, these hand-painted, non-toxic ceramic babies are the recent collaboration of BottleStock Shop’s Whitney Adams and Rissa Sandman. Evocative of a summer day at bay or just a cool addition to your host’s bar cart. P.S.: She’s having a 30% off sale today on everything but these Coastal Coasters and there are some fancy things to be had. I for one love her corkscrews. Code: HUMPDAY

A Classic Candle- the tried and true hostess gift. Can’t. Go. Wrong. And this one boasts a stylish exterior with an on-sale price tag to boot.

An Awesome Apron- for the stylish cook who’s more French linen chic than Betty Crocker ruffled. I can’t stand how awesome this apron is.

A Tie-Dyed Towel- this Turkish towel is styled up a notch with its tie-dyed detail. The perfect gift as it’s small enough to wear as a scarf but still big enough to use as a beach towel, sarong or wrap. From my favorite shop in Alexandria at Red Barn Mercantile.

A Stylish Soap Dish- Not your Grandma’s soap dish (or maybe it is if she’s into Mid-Century bric a brac), this brass wire beauty will thrill its new owner with its clean lines each time he/she scrubs up.

A Cheeky Print- because who doesn’t want a pretty watercolor of a strutting leopard in their home? If your host is fabulous, he/she will love illustrator to the fashion Gods (Hermés anyone?), Caitlin McGauley’s print. If you’re concerned that it may not “go” with your host’s decor, worry not as Jenna Lyons famously put it, “as far as I’m concerned, leopard’s a neutral.”

A Tiny Cake Stand- if your host is truly the most when it comes to baked goods, he/she will love this mini jadeite cake stand. And even if they suck at baking, you’ll never tell and they’ll still love it.

Some Swanky Stirrers- a great host is a master of the cocktail party and what better tool to help one further master that fête-ing art than this set of glass stirrers. They’ll feel like Sinatra, and what’s a better gift than that!

A Punchy Throw- again, something I wouldn’t buy for myself but would love to receive. This one’s sunny, soft and boldly graphic- sure to punch up any room.

And if all else fails, my tried and true gift for my Host with the Most- a great bottle of bubbly or rosé or even better- bubbly rosé. I recently had this one at my birthday dinner at DC’s Proof which boasts a beyond-killer wine list, including $18,000 bottles of DRC- sigh (who is actually ordering that- talk about a baller move). But honestly, this Legret NV pink bubbly was one of the very best I have ever imbibed and that’s saying something. Get it here, your Host will be psyched and while you’re at it, get a bottle for yourself too. Traveling can be hard work- pop it open when you arrive home. Cin Cin!

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My Mixed Bag Mind on a Monday
Happy Weekend!
Happy Sunday

First Crush: A Somm’s First Harvest

First Crush

Blue skies, weathered and wine-stained barrels, ripening vines- there’s nothing sweeter than the sight (and smell) of an impending wine harvest. A good old-fashioned, down-and-dirty-fingers-in-the-vines-harvest is something every budding somm should experience. It’s important to get out of the cellar and into the vineyard- Wine Appreciation 101. I worked my first harvest in Virginia at Paradise Springs vineyard. Well, sort of. The harvest took all of a grueling hour, not exactly the grapes of wrath, but this East Coast vineyard is young and hopeful, boasting a small but bountiful little plot of vines. There were enough of us working the harvest that within the hour, we had clipped that Cab Franc flat off the vines. I didn’t stick around for the full harvest experience including the crushing, the pressing, the fermenting, the barreling, etc., so it don’t know if I can really count it as a true harvest experience. Yes, I took a knee and clipped those delicate grapes to my beaming heart’s content, but truly working a harvest is much more than a few hours in the dirt.

Enter retired showgirl turned superstar sommelier and my pal (from our dancing days together), Sabra Lewis. A somm at the wino-darling restaurant, The NoMad, Sabra clipped California grapes this past fall with the in-crowd and her adventures were so dreamy, (at least on her Instagram account), I had to ask if she would share her first crush with us. She said yes.

But first- a bit about Sabra:

Snapshot of a Somm

Sabra, I love that you worked your first harvest with Abe Schoener and Rajat Parr- the rockiest rockstar winemakers right now in California. The whole experience seems so incredible.  What was it like physically working the harvest? 

It was challenging, really a lot of manual labor that my body wasn’t used to.

How did you choose the winemakers that you worked with? 

I worked with Abe Schoener at Scholium Project and Rajat Parr and Sashi Moorman at Sandhi Wines and Domaine de la Cote. Abe uses more natural methods of production and runs a very small crew who are all very involved in all aspects of winemaking from choosing the vineyards to the actual winemaking in and around Napa Valley. I wanted to learn some of his winemaking philosophies and also pick his brain about making unconventional wines in such a famous wine region. He really knows and understands the landscape there and is a true trailblazer for experimentation in a very homogenized landscape.

I wanted to work with Raj and Sashi down in Santa Rita Hills and learn from their Burgundian winemaking techniques. They have a bigger production but still run a fairly hand-off approach really modeled after Burgundy. They are also trailblazing the idea of “balance” in their wines and started a movement in California called IPOB, along with Jasmine Hirsch favoring modest alcohol and oak levels.

Yes! Exactly what us winos are always wanting more of- lower alcohol and less imparted oak make for prettier and tastier wines. Ok, give me your top 5 reasons everyone should work a harvest at some point in their life. 

1. Working a harvest gives you a huge appreciation for each bottle of wine you open. There is so so much hard work and investment before there are any monetary returns, if ever.

2. You really get to understand the winemakers passion and artistry through what they do. Often times there is a great sense of family history and cultural significance as well, especially in the old world.

3. When you work a harvest, you start to understand agriculture and why terroir matters.  Most of us city folk have little experience with that!

4. You really get a sense of how many variables there are that translate to both minor and major differences in the final bottle.

5. You get a head-to-toe understanding of the life of a bottle. For example, being able to see fermentation in action and taste the wine from beginning to end: tasting the berry on the vine to tasting the juice during mid-fermentation to malo to finished wine in barrel to bottled wine at various stages of development.  It’s eye-opening and you really get a sense of a wine’s “life” that way.


Sold. What’s a typical day like during harvest -when do you wake up, and what exactly do you do? 

EARLY! If you are helping to pick, then it’s best to pick before sunrise when the grapes are cooler. If you are pressing or making wine, it gets really hot out, so you are more productive in the early hours.  During harvest, most winemakers barely sleep. There is just so much to do and coordinate between picking decisions and the logistics of receiving grapes and starting to press- a lot of pieces in the puzzle. When there is down time it’s all about cleaning the crush pad and work space. Wineries have to be immaculate!

First Crush- A Cali Harvest

What do you all drink after work? 

BEER! There is nothing more refreshing than a crisp beer after a long day in the vineyard or a long day on the crush pad. Although, harvest is also about sharing and Raj makes a point to open up extraordinary bottles to share with his team so that they know what to aspire to. There were many many iconic bottles of wine opened up while I was there from Champagne to the great whites and reds of Burgundy and the Rhone, Italian, German and Austrian Rieslings… you name it!

Sounds like a dream. What is your hands-down favorite part about working the harvest?

The camaraderie of working physically hard with a team. As an intern, you are the low man on the totem pole, but it’s still fun to watch and learn what people are doing and see the decision making process.  I loved going out into the vineyards and walking through the vines. Vineyards are such beautiful and peaceful places. They are so organized and wild at the same time. It’s a wonderful juxtaposition that I find a lot of harmony in. As much as I adore NYC, it’s important to physically get yourself in a vineyard for a few hours to gain some perspective.

It’s sort of like that dressing room camaraderie backstage on Broadway right? Well, except for the lights and the makeup and the costumes and well… maybe it’s not quite like that, but I do love that camaraderie thing. But back to the vino- from the labor of your harvest, what is the bottle you’re most excited to taste?

2013 Domaine de la Cote, La Cote. Also, the “Troken” project which is a dry Riesling modeled after Johannes Leitz from the Rheingau.

I can quench the acid now and just hoping I can get my hands on some of this stuff to taste the fruits of your labor. Would you do a Cali. harvest again?

I would love to.

What wine region or winemaker is on your wish list to harvest in the world? 

It would be cool to work in Burgundy and Piedmont.

Ok- any musts (dining or otherwise) for Napa or the Santa Barbara region right now? Where do we need to go?

If you are ever near Santa Barbara, you MUST go to Mattei’s Tavern.  One of the best dining experiences I’ve ever had!

Ah yes, in lovely Los Olivos- love that town, it always makes me think about that iconic Sideways scene just outside the Los Olivos Cafe with Paul Giammati announcing that he’s not going to drink “any f*$#ing Merlot” (that line really did do a number on Merlot sales). Anyway, I have not been to Mattei’s- it is now officially on the list.

Thank you Sabra for sharing, I can’t wait to follow along with your continuing adventures in vino, you are on a roll.

Thanks for the interview. Cheers!


Pick up one of the 2013 bottles Sabra helped to harvest, and taste the fruits of her labor: 

Sandhi La Cote Pinot Noir 2013, $90: California’s Prince of Pinot, Rajat Parr’s photo is what you find when you look up rockstar sommelier turned winemaker. Parr knows how to let the wine tell its own tale. This Pinot sings the song of the Santa Rita Hills (my personal favorite wine region and if-I-could-live-anywhere-in-the-world spot). These hills were made for Pinot. Paul Giamatti’s Sideways character agrees. The La Cote is a great bottle to invest in and daydeam about until that special occasion calls for you to pop its cork. Also makes for a killer and molto impressive gift.

Scholium Project Dulcissima Camilla Farina Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc 2013, $29: Abe Schoener’s wines are not for everybody. He is a former classics Professor who gets off on really pushing the envelope with his juice. Experimentation is his game, and in turn, he’s a culty wine nerd’s hero. Not your momma’s Sauvignon Blanc, this one is ever changing depending on when it’s opened, but expect some serious funk, a little residual sugar and killer acid.

*Bonus: Sabra’s pals were simultaneously hard at work helping another cult California winemaker, Steve Matthiason last fall. Here’s a ripe pick from their harvest:
Matthiason Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2013, $60: a shining star example of a near perfect Cali Cab. This is the stuff that made Napa famous. Structured and lean, yet packed with fruit, this is the epitome of a classic Napa Cab- these guys got the balance of fruit to tannin just right- like Goldilocks sipping from Baby Bear’s bowl.

Sabra Lewis

Follow along with rising somm star, Sabra Lewis here and here.

P.S.: If you want to explore the Santa Rita Hills, Solvang, Lompoc and Los Olivos, this is my favorite vacation rental company. I am eyeing this house for my best group of gals to reunion at someday soon- right in the heart of wine country. The 7 of us stayed here a few years ago and it was truly something to write home about. The built-in backyard trampoline amounted to lots of ready-made memories. For this type of property, if you have a large group, the prices are pretty great.

Cin Cin.

Photos: Sabra Lewis

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A Happy Weekend and a Happy Birthday

Kelly d'Amboise

Happiness is: Another birthday and a glass in the hand. Throw in some loved ones and call is perfetto.

Three Cheers for the weekend and… it’s my birthday ya’ll, so I’m raising a glass to another year. We’re keeping it low key this year. Actually, I’ve kept my birthday pretty low key since I turned 30, I guess it’s just one of those decades. I’m thinking that next year I might want to blow it out a bit more, but for now, I’m pretty psyched just to go out to dinner in DC with the hubs (which is a big outing these days for this newly suburban gal) and assemble some toddler toys (very exciting, right.) I’ll be eating some delicious cake though. I just got a freshly made Daisy Cake in the mail that I can’t wait to sink my teeth into, I’ve heard these things are amazing. Have you tried them? What a fun gift- a delicious cake in the mail, is that not a great gift? And I don’t usually go in for buying myself stuff on my birthday but I caved this year and bought a new bed. I decided that it is officially time to upgrade to a King now that the kiddos are 2 and regularly jumping into bed with us. That beloved Queen-sized bed can quietly retreat into retirement, my daughter likes to sleep horizontal so, we kind of didn’t have a choice. I splurged on this white wooden beauty. I saw it in my friend Kristen’s Connecticut-come-Scandinavian abode and loved it so much that I had to copy.

In other news, I am so flattered to be featured on Alexandria Stylebook. I’m a little late to the party in posting this as it was published a few weeks back but this summer has been a bit crazy town so I’m just now getting around to actually processing the events of the last month. Thank you Stylebook for the fun feature and thanks to the talented Rashmi Pappu for the super fun photos. I’m not sure what she thought of me when my inner showgirl busted out in the middle of our photo session, I try to keep her at bay but it’s like they say “Once a Showgirl, Always a…”- or does anyone really say that? Maybe it’s just me.

And the icing on this birthday day’s cake was the copy of the latest Anthology magazine that I received in the mail this morning. What a perfect present. Inside features a story written by Anna Watson Carl that she and I styled together, set right here in VA. The story centers around a dinner party that I threw in the Virginia vines at a local (and gorgeous) vineyard for my dancing d’Amboise family. They trekked it down here from the big City and joined us for an unforgettable lunch amidst the ripening Cab Franc grapes at Paradise Springs. Amy Dickerson shot the story and I am still swooning over its dreaminess- I am so beyond flattered by all of it and what fun we had. A wonderful memory indeed. I am looking forward to posting more about the story when it hits newsstands (or your local Anthropologie store).

Much to be thankful for. Another year older… sigh. Sure, I harken back to the idealistic memories of my younger days but honestly I’ve always felt that I’ll take every birthday I can get, so you know what- bring it on.

What are your plans for the weekend?

What I’m Drinking: It’s my birthday so it has to be rosé. I’m not sure what, we’ll see what the wine list has to offer in the way of the pink stuff but I am loving the YesWayRosé girls. Have you seen them around the interwebs? A fun and festive celebration of the good stuff and I want that tote to the right.

A Few Things that rose my brow:

Kristen Bell as Mary Poppins- this is pretty great, if you’re in favor of raising the minimum wage that is. If you’re not, it might piss you off.

Hold onto your hats kids, the official looming kale shortage has been announced. It was only a matter of time right? I’ve never seen such enthusiasm over a leafy green. I’m totally guilty for contributing to the consuming that will result in the shortage.

Deconstructing Goodnight Moon.

Pizza dough on the grill?- everything does taste better grilled so why not!

This made me feel better about the ridiculous lack of sleep I’ve had since being pregnant. I’m sure a counter study will come out tomorrow that says the opposite but for now, I’m sticking with this one.

Talk about travel porn- well big budget luxury hotel travel porn anyway. These photos make me want to pack my bags pronto.

And while we’re talking travel, a few travel instagrammers that Emma Banks over at Camille Styles thinks we should follow. What say you all? Any favorite travel insta accounts? Do tell.

And while we’re on the insta topic, this is interesting. What it LOOKS like we’re doing vs. what we’re probably ACTUALLY doing.

And Panzanella- it’s everywhere these days and I’m always in the mood for it. Here’s a yummy sweet pepper version from Love and Lemons and a rustic and summery recipe from Melina Hammer over on the Anthology blog.

Ok that’s all. Enjoy the weekend.

Cin Cin and Enjoy!


Photo: Rashmi Pappu

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Summertime To-Do’s


Summertime To-Do's

We are in it kids- deep in the thick of hot fun in the summertime. A few of my favorite things to do during these dog days:

1. Toast: Everyday. Because why not? Every day is a gift especially these lazy and fun summer days. I’m currently digging my pink Txakolina direct from Spain’s Basque Country. A sip of this stuff is like a run through the summertime sprinklers- just fun, zippy, fruit-filled, and effervescent goodness. It’s hard to find and may be worth ordering online. I think it’s fun to serve this as a cocktail or an aperitif at your dinner party or just as a glass on your back porch whenever. We sell a killer white Txakolina at Waterfront and I just had this one at Asheville’s Cúrate- holy deliciousness.

2. Surf: Or at least something like it. I’m no surfer girl, but I sure wish I was. I probably need to tackle my early 80s too-many-viewings-of-Jaws-induced shark phobia first, but this Costa Rica Surf Camp is calling my name- doesn’t it seem awesome (read the tripadvisor reviews and you will soon be socking away $ for this trip just like me- I smell a girl’s trip). I’d like to tackle a wave or two sooner than later in any case but for now, I’m pretty happy boogie boarding in the shallow end of the Atlantic and channeling my inner 12 year-old. There’s nothing like catching a wave to make you feel like a tween again. Wheeeeee!

3. Travel: As much as humanly possible. Hitting the road during the summertime is not as easy as it once was what with the Pack ‘n Plays, booster seats, bibs and things and other assorted toddler accouterments, it’s more like a moon launch than a quick pop in the car, but it’s still worth it. We’ve been on the road now for 3 weeks and are loving every minute of it. We’re working some, relaxing some and trying to soak all of it in.

4. Throw: Al Fresco Dinner Parties- lots of them. What better excuse to have your pals over, pop a bottle of bubbly and nosh on over-ripe juicilicious produce and grilled everythings. I’ve taken lots of cues from my girl Anna Watson Carl- the queen of the simple and stylish dinner party. She just trucked it cross-country hosting swoon-worthy dinner parties with the tastiest of the bloggy blog tastemakers. Check out her adventures here, steal some of her simple styling tricks (not to mention recipes) and pre-order her sure-to-be fab self-published The Yellow Table cookbook here (I just did). Kudos Anna- you are killing it.

5. Read: A novel, a great cookbook and a killer autobiography. I don’t read nearly as much as I’d like to, but oh that lost art of the lazy read- I’m hoping to one day figure out life so that it leaves more time for this great joy. Reading is so good for you, like a shot of wheat grass in the morning- it cleans you out, refuels and energizes in one shot. I recently read a great article about how reading fiction makes one more empathetic, our society could use a bit more of that stuff. Reading is so crucial to our psyche I think, and there’s nothing like the joy of being sucked in to a riveting page-turner, romanced by great language and epic characters- the good stuff indeed. I’m currently reading The Yonahlosse Riding Camp for Girls (how nice to read a good novel), perusing Vefa’s Kitchen (if I can’t spend the summer on a Greek Isle, I can at least cook like it) and Ava Gardner’s biography (which I wish lasted my entire lifetime)- I can never get enough of that diva- what a wild one.

6. Grill: Peaches and put them in everything. I’m seriously nuts about grilled peaches. It’s like I can’t believe what I’ve been missing my whole life. Summertime in a bite- I throw them in salads (lovely with arugula and gorgonzola) and great as a sub for tomatoes in your fresh Caprese salads. Stick ‘em on kabobs, serve them for dessert with a dollop of gelato- they’re pretty much great with everything and make for a happy Riesling partner- it is The Summer of Riesling afterall, if you’re a Paul Grieco follower that is, and who in their right wino-mind isn’t?

7. Make: Pinot Noir Popsicles and Espresso Granita. Pinot Pops for the grown ups and Blackberry Lemonade Pops for the kiddos- so simple and perfectly summer. A freshly made Espresso Granita puts me right in that Piazza in front of the Parthenon- a little Roman Holiday on my Virginia deck. I love this recipe.

What are some of your Summertime To-Dos?

Photos: Dinner Party and Peaches: Jack Mathews and Jeanine Donofrio of Love and LemonsPinot Pop: Bon Appétit,  Granita: Sisboomblog, VW Van Road Trip: Smitten Studio

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Happy Weekend!

Mountain Town Bliss

Bookstores and Coffee and Vino- Oh My! I am in Smoky Mountain Town Bliss. Above, one of my favorite spots from the sweet town of Sylva. A top notch local bookstore chock full of excellent staff picks (love that!) with a great little coffee and wine bar to boot- Ahhhhhhhhh (please read in Soprano).

Happy Weekend dear readers. We are still on the road so to speak, doing this summer up Americana-style. We’re parked just outside of Asheville, NC for now and working with our talented family members (namely Charlotte d’Amboise and Terry Mann) choreographing and teaching some youngsters the ways of the old Broadway. We are having a blast and I am loving our little mountain town. We’re deep in the thick of the Great Smoky Mountains nestled in a quaint little town called Cullowhee, just adjacent to the darling little town of Sylva. I am loving it so- mostly because the town is loud and proudly local-centric, you can’t believe how many bookstores dot this four-block town, not to mention a store that actually sells records- I feel like I’m in a time warp. The clouds hang low over these tree-laden mountains and ooze a mysterious smoke throughout the day opening up to reveal the sunny Saturday Farmer’s Market, live music on the creek, artisanal coffee with Scrabble and Yahtzee table-side and the list goes on. I’m charmed beyond belief. The kiddos are loving it too- lots of summer frolicking through the local playgrounds and town pool in between rehearsals and dance class. Too fun.

We are off to brewery nirvana (aka Asheville) tomorrow where I’m hoping to eat at Katie Button’s Cúrate. Carolina-bred but trained at El Bulli, her little tapas joint is supposed to be insane. We have a rezzie, I just don’t know how things will shake out with the kiddos in tow, things are always a bit up in the air with those little ones, it all depends on the noise level in her joint, to be honest. The louder the better these days so as not to completely disrupt the ambience. I’m not sure a brewery hop is the most toddler-friendly activity either but I am hoping to try one (or two) of Asheville’s legendary home brews. A full report to come. I could totally live here. This Smoky Mountain region is not only beautiful but really funky and interesting. I can’t say much for the local wine here, it leaves a bit to be desired but the beer more than makes up for it, and our local wine store ponies up lots of delicious juice including those imported by one Kermit Lynch, so they clearly know what’s up. I’m digging it.

What are you all up to this weekend?

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Some Some Summertime…

obx summer vacay

It’s that time of year my friends- ice cream cones, stripey beach umbrellas, sand in your toes, Otis Redding (or DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince’s “Summertime” for my fellow Gen X’ers- p.s.: whatever happened to that jazziest of Jeffs?) in the background- the whole lot of summertime fun. I count myself lucky to get to the beach at least once during summer now that I’m a bit inland. We just finished our beach week in the Outer Banks. I made sure to book our vacation early in the summer to avoid any hurricane shenanigans and what do you know- Hurricane Arthur and its evil (but not too menacing as it turns out) eye huffed and puffed right over our little beach town. We survived. I was a bit of a ‘fraidy cat at first with my little ones and thinking maybe it best that we high-tail it out of there, but the locals were completely non-plussed and friends that had braved similar storms advised us to ride it out, so we did. None too nonchalantly, I might add. I was pretty much up all night watching those notorious Weather Channel stormcasters in their drenched slickers hopelessly listing to the left and feeling our beach cottage go bump in the night. It was an adventure and because there wasn’t really any damage and it wasn’t too harrowing, it was kind of fun.

I was so pleasantly surprised by the OBX, as the locals refer to the Barrier Islands of North Carolina, especially the quaint little town of Duck where we stayed. It’s nice to know and love a beach town none too far away- 5 hours from DC door-to-door, not too shabby. I’ll post my top 5 spots to hang in Duck this coming week.

For now, I thought I’d just share a few photos and wax poetically about the lazy days of summer. As a society, I am convinced that we are not doing things right. We should do as the Romans do and take 5 weeks vacay a year- minimum. A week or two doesn’t quite cut it. It takes a solid 3 days to come down off one’s normal life chaos and relax into your vacation anyway, right? Sigh. Maybe one of these days we’ll get it right and start doling out not only more vacation time but more maternity leave etc. etc.

But I digress, I’ll take whatever I can get when it comes to vacation and this one was a lazy, relaxing one- just the way it ought to be come July. I’m endlessly on the hunt for the ultimate little beach town that I can’t wait to return to each year. Sure I’d love to have my own beach house, preferably an exact replica of Diane Keaton’s in “Something’s Gotta Give” (oh Nancy Meyers, you do know how to tug on a gal’s heartstrings), but I’d happily take a paired-down version of that house too. Ha. I have images of escaping to a seaside town for a few months each summer to read (imagine that- actually reading a book), build sandcastles, bike around town and the like- maybe a la Jessica Fletcher in her Cabot Cove or Doris Day in her Carmel? Any seaside town will do. On the other hand, it’s awfully fun trying out different beach towns each year. Maybe I’ll completely fall head over heels one day and settle on one, but it’s for now, it’s pretty great exploring them. The simple joys. Now about that vacation time…

hang time

Hang time in the Hammock- aww yeah, that’s what it’s all about. I treasure these moments just before they squirm their way out and I’m once again chasing them all over the sand. But to get a few moments like this- heaven. Where do you all escape to in the summers? Do tell.

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The Analogue Guide: 5 Clinks in London

Chim-Chimney Chim-Chimney Cin-Cin-Cheree! My pal Alana Stone, co-writer and editor of the acclaimed Analogue Guides, shares her top 5 spots in London to grab a good drink. The London guide is one of the latest editions of the Analogue Guide to hit the shelves, so of course I had to ask Alana for her picks. There are 3 very good reasons why she’s the go-to-gal here:
1. She’s spent loads of time in the royal city.
2. She’s a bona fide wino (that’s how we met- working together for a French wine importer).
3. She’s a top notch travel guide writer.
So… duh.
Here they are folks, Alana’s top 5 picks to wet your whistle across the Pond:
The Analogue Guide- London
1. Sager + Wilde
Charlotte and Michael Sager-Wilde’s top notch wine bar lights up an otherwise nondescript section of the Hackney Road. The sophisticated oenological selection spans the globe, from California to Jerez. A sturdy assemblage of various meats and cheeses accompany the wines to perfection.
2. Sketch
Divided into five flamboyantly decorated dining rooms and bars, Sketch is more of an experience than a restaurant. From decadent afternoon tea at the front room Parlour to a multi-course tasting menu at the Michelin starred Lecture Room, the venue caters to every whim. The Gallery, Sketch’s brasserie, offers ever-changing installations by emerging artists to complement your French inspired meal. The bathrooms upstairs, consisting of retro-futuristic giant individual egg-like pods, are otherworldly.
3. Eyre Brothers
Arguably London’s best Iberian restaurant, Eyre Brothers melds culinary artistry with a cultivated, contemporary decor. Every element, from the splash of green olive oil bursting with flavour to the stellar wine list, evokes pure pleasure. Muted lighting, modernist wood panelling, tasteful artwork and a buzzing bar add to the restaurant’s infinite appeal; but its culinary might is certainly worth multiple visits in of itself.
4. Jose
A cracking addition to the culinary hotbed of Bermondsey Street, José is a modern Spanish classic. Primarily a bustling sherry and tapas bar, the list of jerez is concocted by Masters of Wine associated with the neighbouring Wine and Spirit Education Trust, which ensures a rigorously curated selection. The tapas and deserts, including a highly recommended chocolate mousse, are equally stellar. For those seeking more substantial Spanish fare visit owner José Pizarro’s Pizarro (map p 90), a wildly successful full-scale Spanish restaurant just down the street.
5. Brawn
Decked out in warm wood and exuding comfort, Brawn specializes in locally sourced delicacies in a wonderfully unfussy setting. The highlight of Columbia Road’s many culinary treasures, a meal at Brawn can include such divergent delights as Scottish langoustine, braised rabbit leg, soft polenta and gremalata, and the rather more unusual sounding snails, oxtail and salsify pie. Brawn’s predominantly French list of sustainable, organic and biodynamic wines is particularly satisfying.
Thank you Alana!
Meet Our Contributor_Alana Stone_edited-2
Images: Sager + Wilde: Rob Greig, Brawn: Britta Jaschinkski, Eyre Brothers: Square Meal, Sketch: Ed Reeve

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