Happy Weekend!

Moving Day!

So long Old Town! One last photo op on our way out the door. Old Town Alexandria was so good to us and we had a blast living there. We brought our babies home to that tiny and loved apartment and I loved all of our long stroller walks through the Colonial streets of that charming town. Our move to the ‘burbs was a bittersweet one. We were so sad to say goodbye to Old Town but happy to have some real space and a small patch of green to call our own. More Progress Reports on our ongoing reno to come- now I know why people say that home improvement is ongoing, there is an absolute endless lists of things to tackle, but that’s what makes it fun right? We’ll be making various trips to Lowe’s and the hardware store this weekend amidst attempting to unpack boatloads of boxes- what is even in these things is beyond me. How in the world is it possible to accumulate so much when you live in 700 square feet? First world problems to be sure. I don’t mean to complain about “stuff” but it does get to be a bit much. I mean really, how much do we really need in our lives? I’d like to just give everything away but I know I would just end up buying most of it all over again. Here’s to a life more simplified, that’s always a good goal.

What I’m Drinking: 

Our refrigerator isn’t working yet (long reno sob story), so it’ll be a warm Blue Moon with a slice of orange for me on a plastic cup (until we can find that elusive box of glassware). I’ll put a 6-pack outside to cool overnight- cool weather can be a blessing. Ha.

A Few Things:

“What Facebook is doing to your brain is kind of shocking.”

What a cute ad campaign.  I love those black doors.

You may have heard, but there’s been a big breakthrough in the Big Bang Theory- I can’t even fathom figuring this out. Fascinating.

Hip Hip Hooray- my friend Anna Watson Carl has finished her “Cookbook Diaries” and will be self-publishing her Yellow Table cookbook this year! Three Cheers for realizing a dream!

L’Wren Scott’s passing this week was so sad. She was such a gifted artist and designer. I remember L’Wren Scott as she was the costume designer for the 2000 Academy Awards that I was lucky enough to perform in. I’ll never forget my fitting with her, she had yet to propel to the fast track in the fashion world and was in the beginning stages of her work as a rock star designer but it was clear that she had the goods. I’ve never felt better, she knew how to make a gal look and feel great.  I posted a small photo of our Blame Canada kickline in our Royal Mountie garb here on the blog.

For all you DIY’ers out there, a super cute pennant pillow. I can’t sew to save my life but for those that possess that seamstress-y thing, I think this would be so great in a little one’s room.

Happy Weekend Dear Readers! Cin Cin all and Enjoy the first weekend of Spring!

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Happy New Year Good People

7 Responses

  1. Jeannie Ellison says:

    Good Luck, dear! Post pics when you can.

  2. Anna says:

    OK, one – that is the cutest pic of the twins ever! Two, congrats on the move!! So so excited to come see your new place :) aAA
    And three, you are so sweet to update your readers on TCBD :) Thanks love!! xoxo

  3. Anna says:

    P.S. Sorry those extra aAA’s were a typo, not a reference to Alcoholics Anonymous. Ha.

  4. kelly says:

    Ha! I figured as much. Thanks Anna!! Congrats again.

  5. kelly says:

    Thanks so much Jeanie! Will do.

  6. Amy says:

    Love that pic of the kiddos! So cute. Happy little people you’re raising :)
    And I saw that photo of the pennant pillow and actually thought “Oh I should get a pair of those for Kelly’s twins.” Then realized they are DIY. And I cannot DIM when it comes to sewing.

  7. Toni says:

    Kelly, hope you are getting those boxes under control! So true about our “stuff”….ugh! I’ve been agonizing over a probable
    move to assisted living for my mom. But after reading that you could manage 4 people in 700 sq ft, my mom can make it ion 600something. I needed that!
    Had to repost the FB brain video – yikes – maybe I should have given it up for Lent!!
    Can’t wait to see your house.

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